Patent applicants and patent applications; SIC 2008 of applicant, 2009-2010

Patent applicants and patent applications; SIC 2008 of applicant, 2009-2010

Industry/branches (SIC 2008) Periods Enterprises applying for an EPO patent (number) Patent applications at the EPO (number) Enterprises applying for a NLOC patent (number) Patent applications at the NLOC (number)
A-U All economic activities 2009 777 4,544 1,097 1,904
A-U All economic activities 2010* 695 3,460 1,039 1,849
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2009 14 20 19 18
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2010* 12 16 22 24
B Mining and quarrying 2009 1 165 1 1
B Mining and quarrying 2010* 1 123 3 4
C Manufacturing 2009 279 2,982 335 761
C Manufacturing 2010* 254 2,211 272 662
D Electricity and gas supply 2009 7 12 2 4
D Electricity and gas supply 2010* 4 5 5 7
E Water supply and waste management 2009 6 7 3 4
E Water supply and waste management 2010* 3 3 7 8
F Construction 2009 20 26 71 85
F Construction 2010* 30 35 84 100
G Wholesale and retail trade 2009 137 243 203 275
G Wholesale and retail trade 2010* 129 224 231 298
H Transportation and storage 2009 4 5 10 13
H Transportation and storage 2010* 4 5 6 7
I Accommodation and food serving 2009 2 2 6 6
I Accommodation and food serving 2010* 1 1 4 4
J Information and communication 2009 24 64 41 39
J Information and communication 2010* 31 72 32 35
K Financial institutions 2009 36 58 73 84
K Financial institutions 2010* 18 31 45 48
L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2009 7 8 11 13
L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2010* 2 2 8 10
M Other specialised business services 2009 169 665 239 293
M Other specialised business services 2010* 151 512 241 296
N Renting and other business support 2009 27 38 32 38
N Renting and other business support 2010* 16 30 28 42
O Public administration and services 2009 1 3 1 1
O Public administration and services 2010* . . 1 1
P Education 2009 12 61 5 36
P Education 2010* 13 58 17 49
Q Health and social work activities 2009 17 50 13 13
Q Health and social work activities 2010* 16 43 10 10
R Culture, sports and recreation 2009 6 6 21 22
R Culture, sports and recreation 2010* 3 3 10 9
S Other service activities 2009 8 26 11 10
S Other service activities 2010* 7 10 13 12
T Activities of households 2009 . . . .
T Activities of households 2010* . . . .
U Extraterritorial organisations 2009 . . . .
U Extraterritorial organisations 2010* . . . .
SIC unknown 2009 . 104 . 188
SIC unknown 2010* . 76 . 226
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table gives an overview of the number of patent applicants and patent applications at the European Patent Office (EPO) and NL Patent Office, a division of NL Agency (NLOC). Patents can be granted to enterprises, universities, institutions, private persons or other entities as long as the invention which they cover fulfils certain criteria. To obtain a patent the invention must be novel, contain an inventive step and be industrially applicable. This is assessed by a patent office like the EPO or NLOC. The patent office will grant or reject the application. The data are broken down by economic activity of the enterprise applying for a patent. For the classification by economic activity the Dutch Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2008) is used. The data give an indication which branches are (most) innovative.

This table has been stopped.

Data available from 2009 up to 2010.

Status of the figures:
Data are final for 2009. The data for 2010 are provisional. Since this table has been stopped, the data for 2010 will not be finalized.

Changes as of 30 October 2015:
None, this table has been stopped.

When will new figures be published?
No longer applicable.

Description topics

Enterprises applying for an EPO patent
Enterprises who applied for a patent to the European Patent Office (EPO)
in the period observed.
A patent that is granted by the European Patent Office (EPO) is valid in
all member countries of the EPO. However the EPO patent must be validated
at the national patent office in order to be effective in member

A patent is an intellectual property right issued by an authorised body
intended to protect a new product, process or technology.
It gives the owner the legal right to prevent others from using, manufacturing,
selling, importing, etc. the invention. The patent remains in force for
limited duration and only in the country or countries concerned. Patents
can be granted to for example enterprises, institutions, individuals or
other entities as long as the invention meets the conditions for
patentability: novelty, non-obviousness and industrial applicability.
Patent applications at the EPO
Patent applications at the European Patent Office (EPO) in the period
observed. A patent that is granted by the European Patent Office
(EPO) is valid in all member countries of the EPO. However the EPO
patent must be validated at the national patent office in order to be
effective in member countries.
A patent is an intellectual property right issued by an authorised body
intended to protect a new product, process or technology.
It gives the owner the legal right to prevent others from using, manufacturing,
selling, importing, etc. the invention. The patent remains in force for
limited duration and only in the country or countries concerned. Patents
can be granted to for example enterprises, institutions, individuals or
other entities as long as the invention meets the conditions for
patentability: novelty, non-obviousness and industrial applicability.
Enterprises applying for a NLOC patent
Enterprises who applied for a patent at the NL Patent Office (NLOC),
a division of Agency NL, in the period observed. Up to 2009, NL Patent
Office was known as the Netherlands Patent Office.
A patent granted by NL Patent Office is only valid in The Netherlands.

A patent is an intellectual property right issued by an authorised body
intended to protect a new product, process or technology.
It gives the owner the legal right to prevent others from using, manufacturing,
selling, importing, etc. the invention. The patent remains in force for
limited duration and only in the country or countries concerned. Patents
can be granted to for example enterprises, institutions, individuals or
other entities as long as the invention meets the conditions for
patentability: novelty, non-obviousness and industrial applicability.
Patent applications at the NLOC
Patent applications at the NL Patent Office (NLOC), a division of Agency
NL, in the period observed. A patent that is granted by the NL Patent
Office is only valid in The Netherlands.
A patent is an intellectual property right issued by an authorised body
intended to protect a new product, process or technology.
It gives the owner the legal right to prevent others from using, manufacturing,
selling, importing, etc. the invention. The patent remains in force for
limited duration and only in the country or countries concerned. Patents
can be granted to for example enterprises, institutions, individuals or
other entities as long as the invention meets the conditions for
patentability: novelty, non-obviousness and industrial applicability.