Health, lifestyle, health care use and supply, causes of death; key figures

Dataset is not available.

This table provides an overview of the key figures on health and care available on StatLine. All figures are taken from other tables on StatLine, either directly or through a simple conversion. In the original tables, breakdowns by characteristics of individuals or other variables are possible.
The period after the year of review before data become available differs between the data series.
The number of exam passes/graduates in year t is the number of persons who obtained a diploma in school/study year starting in t-1 and ending in t.

Data available from: 2001

Status of the figures:
The available figures are definite.
Most available figures are definite, figures are provisional for:
- diagnoses known to the general practitioner;
- supplied drugs;
- AWBZ/Wlz-financed care with accommodation;
- AWBZ/Wlz-funded long term care;
- Mbo health care graduates, Hbo nursing graduates, medicine graduates (university);
- expenditures of care;
- profitability and operating results at institutions.
Most available figures are definite.
Figures are provisional for:
- hospital admissions by some diagnoses;
- average period of hospitalization;
- physicians and nurses employed in care;
- persons employed in health and welfare.
Figures are revised provisional for:
- expenditures of care.
Most available figures are final.
Figures are revised provisional for:
- expenditures of care.
2019 and earlier:
All available figures are definite.

Changes as of 22 December 2023:
More recent figures have been added for:
- crude birth rate;
- live births to teenage mothers;
- causes of death;
- perinatal mortality at pregnancy duration at least 24 weeks;
- life expectancy in perceived good health;
- diagnoses known to the general practitioner;
- supplied drugs;
- AWBZ/Wlz-funded long term care;
- youth care;
- average distance to facilities;
- profitability and operating results at institutions.

Changes as of 7 July 2023:
The series 'Hbo nursing graduates' and 'medicine graduates (university)' have been replaced from 2016 for figures rounded to tens.

When will new figures be published?
New figures will be published in December 2024.

Description topics

Health and disease
Perceived health, contacts with the GP and hospital admissions for some diagnoses, sickness absence
At the general practitioner known with
Individuals with one or more disease episodes as registered by the general practitioner, for several diagnostic groups.
The diagnoses are coded according to the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-1).
Digestive complaints or diseases
The total of symptoms, complaints and diseases of the digestive system.
ICPC-1 codes: D01-D29, D70-D99
Cardiovascular complaints or diseases
The total of symptoms, complaints and diseases of the cardiovasular system.
ICPC-1 codes: K01-K29, K70-K99

Respiratory complaints or diseases
The total of symptoms, complaints and diseases of the respiratory system.
ICPC-1 codes: R01-R29, R70-R99.

This group also includes ICPC code R83 (other respiratory infections), which now also includes SARS-CoV-2 (COVID19) and post-COVID syndrome. Due to interim changes in the coding advice and changes in the testing policy and the reporting of test results to the GP, the data in this group for the years 2020-2022 cannot be properly compared.
Urological complaints or diseases
Total of urological symptoms, complaints and diseases.
ICPC-1 codes: U01-U29, U70-U99
Use of health care services
Average period of hospitalisation, supplied drugs, number of contacts with health care providers, AWBZ/Wlz- funded long term care, including persons older than 80 in the population, youth care.
Contacts with health professionals
Number of contacts with general practitioners and physiotherapists/exercise therapist in the 12 months preceding the survey date.
Due to changes in methodology and questionnaire, data before and after 2010 cannot fully be compared.
General practitioner (GP)
Contacts with a GP in the Netherlands:
- visits to a GP,
- GP home visits,
- telephone consultations,
- other contacts
Includes contacts with locums and emergency GP service; excludes contacts with GP surgery assistant/nurse.

Due to changes in methodology of the health interview questionniare in 2014, figures before and after are not completely comparable
Physiotherapist or exercise therapist
Contact with a therapist for physical or exercise therapy. Physiotherapy or exercise therapy during hospital admission is not included.
Until 2010, the figures are restricted to physiotherapy.
Determinants of health
Determinants of health: factors influencing health.

Data on smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise, obesity and high blood pressure, derived from the CBS Health Survey.
Comply physical activity guidelines (4+)
Percentage of people of 4 years or older who comply with the physical activity guidelines.
Adults should be physically active at moderate intensity for at least two and a half hours every week, spread over several days, such as walking and cycling. In addition, they should perform muscle- and bone-strengthening activities at least twice a week.
Young people from 4 to 17 years old should be physically active at moderate intensity for at least one hour every day, and they should perform muscle- and bone-strengthening activities at least three times a week.
The physical activity guidelines were drawn up by the Dutch Health Council at the end of 2017.
Expenditures on care
Expenditure on care
Expenditure on health and social care including child care, by type of supplier. All activities within the area of health and social care are considered, irrespective of whether it concerns a major or minor activity of the economic units. These figures refer to a broader definition than internationally used in the System of Health Accounts, that refers to health care including long term nursing care (health).
Primary care practices
General practitioner’s (GP) practices, Practices of dentists, Paramedics and midwife practices

GP practices
Units of licensed physicians that provide general medical care to a fixed
number of registered patients.

Practices of dentists
Units that provide dental care. Dental care comprises diagnostics, preventive dental care, prosthetic and orthodontic dental care, basic dental surgery.

Paramedics and midwife practices
Physiotherapist's practices and other paramedic professionals, e.g. occupational therapists, speech therapists, dieticians, remedial
therapists, midwives, etc.
Care supply
Quantitative data on care providers: distance to care provider, institutions with small profitability, share of overhead in institutions.
Average distance to facilities
The average distance of all residents of the Netherlands from their residential address to a number of the nearest facilities.
GP practice
The average distance of all residents of the Netherlands to the nearest GP practice, by road.

GP Practice
Building or room in which one or more GPs work.