Health, lifestyle, health care use and supply, causes of death; key figures

Table explanation

This table provides an overview of the key figures on health and care available on StatLine. All figures are taken from other tables on StatLine, either directly or through a simple conversion. In the original tables, breakdowns by characteristics of individuals or other variables are possible.
The period after the year of review before data become available differs between the data series.
The number of exam passes/graduates in year t is the number of persons who obtained a diploma in school/study year starting in t-1 and ending in t.

Data available from: 2001

Status of the figures:
The available figures are definite.
Most available figures are definite
Figures are provisional for:
- sickness absence;
- youth care;
- persons employed in health and welfare.
Most available figures are definite, figures are provisional for:
- diagnoses known to the general practitioner;
- hospital admissions by some diagnoses;
- average period of hospitalization;
- supplied drugs;
- sickness absence;
- AWBZ/Wlz-funded long term care;
- Mbo health care graduates, Hbo nursing graduates, medicine graduates (university);
- persons employed in healthcare;
- profitability and operating results at institutions.
Figures are revised provisional for:
- expenditures on care.
Most available figures are definite.
Figures are provisional for:
- persons employed in health and welfare;
- persons employed in healthcare;
Figures are revised provisional for:
- expenditures of care.
2020 and earlier:
All available figures are definite.

Changes as of 5 June 2024:
More recent figures have been added for:
- life expectancy;
- self-perceived health;
- hospital admissions by some diagnoses;
- sickness absence;
- contacts with health professionals;
- persons aged 80 or older;
- youth care;
- smoking, heavy drinkers, physical activity;
- overweight;
- high blood pressure;
- physicians and nurses employed in care;
- persons employed in health and welfare;
- persons employed in healthcare;
- Mbo health care graduates;
- Hbo nursing graduates / medicine graduates (university);
- expenditures on care;

Changes as of 7 July 2023:
The series 'Hbo nursing graduates' and 'medicine graduates (university)' have been replaced from 2016 for figures rounded to tens.

When will new figures be published?
New figures will be published in December 2024.

Description topics

Births, deaths and life expectancy
Crude birth rate, the number of live births to teenage mothers and older mothers, some causes of death, perinatal mortality, life expectancy and healthy life expectancy.
Perinatal mortality
The total number of still births plus babies who died within a week after birth.

Still birth:
Baby who showed no sign of life after birth such as breathing, heart/muscle activity.
Pregnancy duration at least 24 weeks
Still births after a pregnancy of at least 24 weeks plus (all) babies who died within a week after birth.
Pregnancy lasting at least 22 wks (WHO)
Perinatal mortality as defined by the World Health Organization: the total number of still births plus babies who died within a week after birth, both after a pregnancy of at least 22 weeks.
Health and disease
Perceived health, contacts with the GP and hospital admissions for some diagnoses, sickness absence
Hospital admissions by some diagnoses
Clinical and day care admissions and observations without overnight stay in general and university hospitals and two hospitals specialising in one type of disease.

Diagnoses are recorded according to the 'International Classification of Diseases'. Up to 2013 version 9 was used (ICD-9-CM), From 2013 onwards version 10 (ICD-10) is used.

Diagnoses are classified according to the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT). Categories are definied slightly different using ICD-9 (up to 2013) or ICD-10 (from 2013).

Figures on diagnoses refer to the principal diagnosis registered at each admission, as indicated at discharge form the hospital.

The figures are expressed per 10 000 of the population in the year under review.
Certain conditions in perinatal period
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period.
ICD-9: 760-779
ICD-10: P00-P96.