Vacancies (new and filled); government and education

Vacancies (new and filled); government and education

Government sectors Periods Unfilled vacancies (x 1000) New vacancies (x 1000) Filled vacancies (x 1000)
Education sector 2024 2nd quarter 16.4 20.5 19.7
Source: CBS
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains the number of unfilled, new and filled vacancies in the government and education.
The figures over vacancies are specified to government sector.

This table replaces the StatLine-table Vacancies; government and education 1992-2009.
In 2010 the observation is based on the standard industrial classification 2008, SIC2008. Because of this the original figures of the period 1997 up to the second quarter of 2009, all based on SIC 1993, are recalculated to SIC 2008. Therefore these figures can deviate slightly from the figures from the Vacancies; government and education 1992-2009.

Data available since 1997, quarter 1.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.

In the period from the third quarter of 2008 until the fourth quarter of 2009 the job vacancy-survey compiled the job vacancies at the Ministry of Defence according to a different method. Due to this approximately 7 thousand vacancies per quarter have been added to the government. This should be taken into account, when interpreting the results. Because of this extra number of vacancies, the numbers of vacancies, new vacancies and filled vacancies in this period are not completely consistent with the vacancies in the second quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2010.
The results of this table are including the second quarter of 2009 based on recalculated information on basis of the perception according SBI 2008. Because of this the numbers of vacancies, new vacancies and filled vacancies are in the third quarter of 2009 not completely consistent with the vacancies in the second quarter.

Changes as of 14 August 2024:
Figures of the second quarter of 2024 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
Figures of the third quarter of 2024 will be published in November 2024.

Description topics

Unfilled vacancies
A vacancy is a job that is readily available in a company or institution and can be filled by internal or external recruitment.
Also included in vacancies are:
- jobs that have already been applied for; even if the applicants have already been interviewed;
- cases in which engagement at short notice is unlikely due to a time-consuming selection procedure;
- jobs that are to be filled by temporary staff.
- unfilled places assigned to apprentices and others persons receiving training under employment contract (hence unpaid trainee posts are excluded).
- New vacancies in the year under review which are filled in that same year are also included in new and filled vacancies.
Unfilled places in government institutions are only defined as vacancies if regular internal or external recruitment is allowed.
Unfilled places which, as a result of reorganisations or staff reductions, are only allowed to be filled by employees whose jobs will disappear, are not considered as vacancies.
The weighted annual average of unfilled vacancies is calculated as follows:
Vacancies 4th quarter previous year under review, weight 1.
Vacancies 1st, 2nd 3rd quarter year under review, weight 2.
Vacancies 4th quarter year under review, weight 1.
Vacancies annual average = Total number of vacancies/8.
The annual result of new and filled vacancies is the total of the four quarters.
New vacancies
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the government and education at the end of each quarter.
New and filled vacancies also include new vacancies which were filled in that same quarter.
The annual result of the new and filled vacancies is the total of the four quarters.
The annual figure regarding unfilled vacancies is a weighted average.
Filled vacancies
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the government and education at the end of each quarter.
New and filled vacancies also include new vacancies which were filled in that same quarter.
The annual result of the new and filled vacancies is the total of the four quarters.
The annual figure regarding unfilled vacancies is a weighted average.