Patent applicants and patent applications; by SIC93 of applicant, 2000-2008

Patent applicants and patent applications; by SIC93 of applicant, 2000-2008

Industry/branches (SIC93) Periods Enterprises applying for an EPO patent (number) Patent applications at the EPO (number) Enterprises applying for a NLOC patent (number) Patent applications at the NLOC (number)
A-Q All economic activities 2008 714 4,597 957 1,887
A Agriculture 2008 10 13 24 29
01 Agriculture 2008 10 13 23 28
02 Forestry and forestry services 2008 . . 1 1
B Fishing 2008 1 2 1 1
C Mining and quarrying 2008 3 251 2 4
10 Extraction and agglomeration of peat 2008 . . . .
11 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 2008 2 248 2 4
14 Quarrying and winning of sand 2008 1 3 . .
D Manufacturing 2008 270 2,926 274 605
15 Manufacturing food products and ... 2008 10 272 7 24
16 Manufacture of tobacco products 2008 . . . .
17 Manufacture of textiles 2008 5 8 4 8
18 Manufacture of wearing apparel 2008 . . . .
19 Tanning and dressing of leather;... 2008 . . 1 1
20 Manufacture of wood products, cork 2008 . . 3 4
21 Manufacture of pulp, paper, ... 2008 6 10 4 14
22 Publishing 2008 2 2 2 3
23 Manufacture of coke 2008 2 2 . .
24 Manufacture, chemicals/chemical ... 2008 32 697 10 11
25 Manufacture of rubber / plastic ... 2008 20 37 28 51
26 Manufacture non-metallic mineral ... 2008 6 9 5 6
27 Manufacture of basic metals 2008 5 30 3 3
28 Manufacture of fabricated metal ... 2008 32 50 55 65
29 Manufacture of machinery and ... 2008 78 199 75 281
30 Manufacture, office machinery ... 2008 1 36 1 1
31 Manufacture of electrical machinery 2008 13 1,155 10 33
32 Manufacture of radio 2008 9 335 10 14
33 Manufacture of medical 2008 30 51 19 34
34 Manufacture of motor vehicles 2008 5 12 10 16
35 Manufacture of transport equipment 2008 10 19 13 23
36 Manufacture of furniture 2008 4 4 13 14
37 Preparation for recycling 2008 . . 1 1
E Electricity,gas, steam, hot water ... 2008 5 11 8 10
40 Production of electricity, ... 2008 4 10 7 9
41 Collection and distribution of water 2008 1 1 1 1
F Construction 2008 14 20 62 72
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair ... 2008 128 254 188 260
50 Sale and repair of motor vehicles 2008 3 3 7 7
51 Wholesale trade and commission ... 2008 116 237 156 224
52 Retail trade 2008 9 15 25 30
H Hotels and restaurants 2008 2 2 4 6
I Transport, storage and communication 2008 6 41 10 11
60 Land transport; transport via ... 2008 1 1 3 4
61 Water transport 2008 1 2 2 2
62 Air transport 2008 . . . .
63 Supporting / auxiliary transport ... 2008 1 2 4 4
64 Post and telecommunications 2008 3 36 1 1
J Financial intermediation 2008 32 53 48 47
65 Financial intermediation 2008 30 52 42 43
66 Insurance and pension funding 2008 . . . .
67 Auxiliary to financial intermediation 2008 2 2 6 4
K Real estate, renting and business ... 2008 202 622 290 342
70 Real estate activities 2008 3 3 14 14
71 Renting of machinery and equipment 2008 1 1 8 9
72 Computer service and information ... 2008 18 62 28 27
73 Research and development 2008 61 384 36 65
74 Other business activities 2008 119 172 204 228
L Public administration and defence 2008 . . 1 1
M Education 2008 12 76 10 34
N Health and social work 2008 21 65 14 13
O Other community, social and ... 2008 8 10 20 21
90 Sewage and refuse disposal 2008 . . 3 2
91 Activities of membership ... 2008 4 6 3 3
92 Recreational 2008 4 4 12 14
93 Other service activities 2008 . . 2 2
P Private households with employed ... 2008 . . . .
Q Extra-territorial organizations ... 2008 . . . .
Unknown 2008 . 254 . 434
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table gives an overview of the number of patent applicants and patent applications at the European Patent Office (EPO) and NL Patent Office, a division of NL Agency (NLOC). Patents can be granted to enterprises, universities, institutions, private persons or other entities as long as the invention which they cover fulfils certain criteria. To obtain a patent the invention must be novel, contain an inventive step and be industrially applicable. This is assessed by a patent office like the EPO or NLOC. The patent office will grant or reject the application.

The data are broken down by economic activity of the enterprise applying for a patent. For the classification by economic activity the Dutch Standard Industrial Classification (SIC93) is used. The data give an indication which branches are (most) innovative.

Data available from: 2000.

Changed as of: 18 April 2013
Due to a calculation error the number of patent applications at the EPO of the industry C Mining and quarrying was not correct in 2007. This has been corrected in this version (was 64, now 113). This table is stopped due to the switch to the Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008).

Status of the figures:
Data are final for 2000 to 2008.

When will new figures be published?
This table has been stopped as of 18 April 2013 and is continued as Patent applicants and patent applications by SIC 2008.

Description topics

Enterprises applying for an EPO patent
Enterprises who applied for a patent to the European Patent Office (EPO)
in the period observed.
A patent that is granted by the European Patent Office (EPO) is valid in
all member countries of the EPO. However the EPO patent must be validated at the national patent office in order to be effective in member

A patent is an intellectual property right issued by an authorised body
intended to protect a new product, process or technology.
It gives the owner the legal right to prevent others from using, manufacturing, selling, importing, etc. the invention. The patent remains in force for limited duration and only in the country or countries concerned. Patents can be granted to for example enterprises, institutions, individuals or other entities as long as the invention meets the conditions for patentability: novelty, non-obviousness and industrial applicability.
Patent applications at the EPO
Patent applications at the European Patent Office (EPO) in the period
observed. A patent that is granted by the European Patent Office
(EPO) is valid in all member countries of the EPO. However the EPO
patent must be validated at the national patent office in order to be
effective in member countries.
A patent is an intellectual property right issued by an authorised body
intended to protect a new product, process or technology.
It gives the owner the legal right to prevent others from using, manufacturing, selling, importing, etc. the invention. The patent remains in force for limited duration and only in the country or countries concerned. Patents can be granted to for example enterprises, institutions, individuals or other entities as long as the invention meets the conditions for patentability: novelty, non-obviousness and industrial applicability.
Enterprises applying for a NLOC patent
Enterprises who applied for a patent at the NL Patent Office (NLOC),
a division of Agency NL, in the period observed. Up to 2009, NL Patent
Office was known as the Netherlands Patent Office.
A patent granted by NL Patent Office is only valid in The Netherlands.
A patent is an intellectual property right issued by an authorised body
intended to protect a new product, process or technology.
It gives the owner the legal right to prevent others from using, manufacturing, selling, importing, etc. the invention. The patent remains in force for limited duration and only in the country or countries concerned. Patents can be granted to for example enterprises, institutions, individuals or other entities as long as the invention meets the conditions for patentability: novelty, non-obviousness and industrial applicability.
Patent applications at the NLOC
Patent applications at the NL Patent Office (NLOC), a division of Agency
NL, in the period observed. A patent that is granted by the NL Patent
Office is only valid in The Netherlands.
A patent is an intellectual property right issued by an authorised body
intended to protect a new product, process or technology.
It gives the owner the legal right to prevent others from using, manufacturing, selling, importing, etc. the invention. The patent remains in force for limited duration and only in the country or countries concerned. Patents can be granted to for example enterprises, institutions, individuals or other entities as long as the invention meets the conditions for patentability: novelty, non-obviousness and industrial applicability.