Vacancies; SIC 2008; private firms and government sectors

Vacancies; SIC 2008; private firms and government sectors

SIC 2008 size classes Periods Unfilled vacancies (x 1000) New vacancies (x 1 000) Filled vacancies (x 1000)
861 Hospitals 1997 yearly average/yearly total . 18 17
861 Hospitals 1998 yearly average/yearly total 3.5 21 20
861 Hospitals 1999 yearly average/yearly total 4.2 22 20
861 Hospitals 2000 yearly average/yearly total 5.2 24 24
861 Hospitals 2001 yearly average/yearly total 5.4 26 25
861 Hospitals 2002 yearly average/yearly total 4.7 21 21
861 Hospitals 2003 yearly average/yearly total 4.3 18 20
861 Hospitals 2004 yearly average/yearly total 3.8 18 18
861 Hospitals 2005 yearly average/yearly total 4.3 21 20
861 Hospitals 2006 yearly average/yearly total 5.0 23 23
861 Hospitals 2007 yearly average/yearly total 6.4 27 25
861 Hospitals 2008 yearly average/yearly total 7.5 27 27
861 Hospitals 2009 yearly average/yearly total 6.5 24 25
861 Hospitals 2010 yearly average/yearly total 5.8 21 22
861 Hospitals 2011 yearly average/yearly total 5.1 20 20
861 Hospitals 2012 yearly average/yearly total 4.2 19 20
861 Hospitals 2013 yearly average/yearly total 3.6 20 20
861 Hospitals 2014 yearly average/yearly total 3.8 20 19
861 Hospitals 2015 yearly average/yearly total 4.8 23 22
861 Hospitals 2016 yearly average/yearly total 6.2 26 24
861 Hospitals 2017 yearly average/yearly total 7.5 30 30
861 Hospitals 2018 yearly average/yearly total 8.0 33 32
861 Hospitals 2019 yearly average/yearly total 9.4 34 32
861 Hospitals 2020 yearly average/yearly total 9.5 31 32
861 Hospitals 2021 yearly average/yearly total 10.7 36 34
861 Hospitals 2022 yearly average/yearly total 13.3 38 37
861 Hospitals 2023 yearly average/yearly total 14.9 42 41
Source: CBS
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private sector and in government at the end of each quarter.
Subjects: Unfilled vacancies, new vacancies, filled vacancies in the private sector and in government sectors.

Selections: SIC 2008, size of the enterprise, periods.

Data available since 1997, quarter 1.
Frequency of appearance: each quarter.

Status of the figures:
All figures in this table are final.

Changes as of 14 February 2024:
Figures of the fourth quarter of 2023 and year figures of 2023 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
Figures of the first quarter of 2024 will be published in May 2024.

Description topics

Unfilled vacancies
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private sector and in government sectors at the end of each quarter.
The annual figure regarding unfilled vacancies is a weighted average calculated as follows:
Vacancies 4th quarter previous year under review, weight 1.
Vacancies 1st, 2nd, 3rd quarter year under review, weight 2.
Vacancies 4th quarter year under review, weight 1.

Vacancies, annual average = Total number of vacancies/8
The annual result of the new and filled vacancies is the total of the four quarters.
New vacancies
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private sector and in government sectors at the end of each quarter.
New vacancies and filled vacancies also include new vacancies which were filled in that same quarter.
The annual result of the new and filled vacancies is the total of the four quarters.
The annual figure regarding unfilled vacancies is a weighted average.
Filled vacancies
Filled vacancies include cancelled vacancies.
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private
sector and in government sectors at the end of each quarter.
New vacancies and filled vacancies also include new vacancies which were filled in that same quarter.
The annual result of the new and filled vacancies is the total of the four quarters.
The annual figure regarding unfilled vacancies is a weighted average.