E-commerce, purchase and sales at companies; size of company 2008 - 2009

E-commerce, purchase and sales at companies; size of company 2008 - 2009

Periods Electronic purchase value Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) Total (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) C Manufacturing (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) D-E Public utility, sewerage and waste (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) F Construction (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) G Wholesale and retail trade (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) H Transportation and storage (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) I Accommodation and food serving (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) J Information and communication (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) L Renting, buying, selling real estate (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) M Other specialised business services (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) N Renting and other business support (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) Q Health and social work activities (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per size of company class Total (10 and more) employed persons (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per size of company class 10-20 employed persons (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per size of company class 20-50 employed persons (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per size of company class 50-100 employed persons (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per size of company class 100-250 employed persons (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per size of company class 250-500 employed persons (% of total purchase value) Electronic purchase value Per size of company class 500 and more employed persons (% of total purchase value) Electronic turnover Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) Total (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) C Manufacturing (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) D-E Public utility, sewerage and waste (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) F Construction (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) G Wholesale and retail trade (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) H Transportation and storage (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) I Accommodation and food serving (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) J Information and communication (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) L Renting, buying, selling real estate (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) M Other specialised business services (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) N Renting and other business support (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per sector of industry (SIC 2008) Q Health and social work activities (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per size of company class Total (10 and more) employed persons (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per size of company class 10-20 employed persons (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per size of company class 20-50 employed persons (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per size of company class 50-100 employed persons (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per size of company class 100-250 employed persons (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per size of company class 250-500 employed persons (% of total turnover) Electronic turnover Per size of company class 500 and more employed persons (% of total turnover)
2008 16.6 9.9 6.3 8.1 24.8 6.3 18.3 12.6 9.7 9.7 5.3 8.6 16.6 12.1 13.8 14.4 12.5 18.4 22.2 12.1 15.0 3.2 2.3 14.4 26.0 9.7 8.0 5.5 5.5 7.6 4.6 12.1 6.8 8.3 11.6 13.4 13.3 14.7
2009 17.0 11.3 7.2 7.6 24.1 12.0 20.1 11.1 8.3 8.3 6.5 8.4 17.0 11.3 11.7 12.9 12.0 17.5 25.6 14.1 17.3 7.8 2.2 17.3 22.0 14.9 9.6 8.5 8.5 8.7 6.3 14.1 9.9 10.6 12.4 15.7 17.5 15.0
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) by companies, specifically the extent to which they use external networks, incl. the internet, for e-commerce (purchasing and sales). The table shows the percentages of the total purchasing value and the total turnover realised via external networks.
The figures refer to companies with 10 and more employed persons. The figures are broken down by sector of industry (SIC 2008) and size of company.

Data available from: 2008 - 2009

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.

Changes as of 11 January 2019:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Electronic purchase value
The value of a company's purchase transactions completed electronically
as a percentage of total purchase value.
Per sector of industry (SIC 2008)
Sectors and branches of industry are groups of companies classified by
their main activity. Statistics Netherlands uses its Standard Industrial
Classification (SIC 2008) for this classification. Among other things,
Statistics Netherlands uses SIC 2008 to classify units by their main
The classification by main activity means that certain categories, for
example production and distribution of energy and water, may include
companies with secondary activities alongside their main activity.
The SIC 2008 has six levels, of which the two highest levels (sections
and subsections) are denoted by letters, and the lower levels,
(divisions, groups, classes and sub-classes) are denoted by digits.
Up to and including the level of classes (4 digits), the SIC is almost
identical to the NACE rev.2. (Nomenclature statistique des activités
économiques dans la Communauté Européenne), which is used in all member
countries of the European Union.
C Manufacturing
D-E Public utility, sewerage and waste
This category is made up of the categories:
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply;
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities.
F Construction
G Wholesale and retail trade
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles.
H Transportation and storage
I Accommodation and food serving
I Accommodation and food service activities.
J Information and communication
L Renting, buying, selling real estate
L Renting, buying and selling of real estate.
De categories L Renting, buying and selling of real estate and M Other
specialised business services are taken together.
M Other specialised business services
M Consultancy, research and other specialised business services.
De categories L Renting, buying and selling of real estate and M Other
specialised business services are taken together.
N Renting and other business support
Q Health and social work activities
Q Human health and social work activities.
Per size of company class
The number of 'employed persons' consists of:
- employees and directors on the payroll;
- employees on the payroll of another company or institution, but working
for their own company and as such belonging to the staff (hired staff);
- active owners, partners, members of partnerships, associates and
family workers;
- temporary staff.
Staff on loan are not included.
Staff on loan:
Employees on the payroll, but working in another company or institution.
Total (10 and more) employed persons
Companies with 10 and more employed persons.
10-20 employed persons
Companies with 10 to 20 employed persons.
20-50 employed persons
Companies with 20 to 50 employed persons.
50-100 employed persons
Companies with 50 to 100 employed persons.
100-250 employed persons
Companies with 100 to 250 employed persons.
250-500 employed persons
Companies with 250 to 500 employed persons.
500 and more employed persons
Companies with 500 and more employed persons.
Electronic turnover
The value of a company's sales transactions completed electronically as a
percentage of total turnover.
Per sector of industry (SIC 2008)
Sectors and branches of industry are groups of companies classified by
their main activity. Statistics Netherlands uses its Standard Industrial
Classification (SIC 2008) for this classification. Among other things,
Statistics Netherlands uses SIC 2008 to classify units by their main
The classification by main activity means that certain categories, for
example production and distribution of energy and water, may include
companies with secondary activities alongside their main activity.
The SIC 2008 has six levels, of which the two highest levels (sections
and subsections) are denoted by letters, and the lower levels,
(divisions, groups, classes and sub-classes) are denoted by digits.
Up to and including the level of classes (4 digits), the SIC is almost
identical to the NACE rev.2. (Nomenclature statistique des activités
économiques dans la Communauté Européenne), which is used in all member
countries of the European Union.
C Manufacturing
D-E Public utility, sewerage and waste
This category is made up of the categories:
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply;
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities.
F Construction
G Wholesale and retail trade
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles.
H Transportation and storage
I Accommodation and food serving
I Accommodation and food service activities.
J Information and communication
L Renting, buying, selling real estate
L Renting, buying and selling of real estate.
De categories L Renting, buying and selling of real estate and M Other
specialised business services are taken together.
M Other specialised business services
M Consultancy, research and other specialised business services.
De categories L Renting, buying and selling of real estate and M Other
specialised business services are taken together.
N Renting and other business support
Q Health and social work activities
Q Human health and social work activities.
Per size of company class
The number of 'employed persons' consists of:
- employees and directors on the payroll;
- employees on the payroll of another company or institution, but working
for their own company and as such belonging to the staff (hired staff);
- active owners, partners, members of partnerships, associates and
family workers;
- temporary staff.
Staff on loan are not included.
Staff on loan:
Employees on the payroll, but working in another company or institution.
Total (10 and more) employed persons
Companies with 10 and more employed persons.
10-20 employed persons
Companies with 10 to 20 employed persons.
20-50 employed persons
Companies with 20 to 50 employed persons.
50-100 employed persons
Companies with 50 to 100 employed persons.
100-250 employed persons
Companies with 100 to 250 employed persons.
250-500 employed persons
Companies with 250 to 500 employed persons.
500 and more employed persons
Companies with 500 and more employed persons.