Daily global market prices 2006-June2012

Table explanation

This table presents prices of several global markets as published daily in
the Dutch Financieel Dagblad.
On the basis of daily prices, Statistics Netherlands calculates average
monthly prices, quarterly averages and annual averages. The table is
divided into the following product groups: Agricultural products, Tropical
products, Precious metals, Metals and Energy. Exchange rates of the US
dollar, the British pound and the Japanese yen against the Euro and vice
versa are also given in this table.

Data available from: 2006

Status of the figures.
All figures presented in this table are final.

When will more recent figures be published?
Approximately 14 days after the reporting month, more recent figures will
be available for publication.

Description topics

Agricultural products
For agricultural products , the Financieel Dagblad publishes the
forward prices for various months of delivery. Forward price is defined
as the predetermined delivery price for an underlying commodity,
decided upon by the buyer and the seller to be paid at a pretermined
date in the future.
This table represents the forward price for the next month of delivery.
For example:
On 16 January 2007 the Financieel Dagblad published two forward
prices for potatoes:
delivery on February 2007 and delivery on April 2007.
Statistics Netherlands publishes the forward price over February 2007.
Months of delivery of forward prices are not included in this table.
Potato-consumption, Eurex
For potatoes the market uses prices for various months of delivery.
The price of the next month of delivery is published.
Potatoes-French fries, Eurex
Potatoes-French fries.
For potatoes the market uses prices for various months of delivery.
The price of the next month of delivery is published.
Oats, Chicago
For oats, the market uses prices for various months of delivery.
The price of the next month of delivery is published.
1 bushel haver = 32 lb = 14,514957 kg.
Maize, Chicago
For maize, the market uses prices for various months of delivery.
The price of the next month of delivery is published.
1 bushel maize = 56 lb = 25,401176 kg.
Unpeeled rice, Chicago
For unpeeled rice, the market uses prices for various months of delivery.
The price of the next month of delivery is published.
1 lb (pound) = 453,59243 gram.
Palm oil, Malaysia
Published is the price at the spotmarket.
Spotmarket: a market in which commodities, such as grain, gold or
crude oil are bought and sold for cash and delivered immediately.
Live beef, Chicago
1 lb (pound) = 453,59243 gram.
Soya beans, Chicago
For soya beans the market uses prices for various months of delivery.
The price of the next month of delivery is published.
1 bushel of soya beans = 60 lb = 27,215545 kg.
Soya flour, Chicago
For soya flour, the market uses prices for various months of delivery.
The price of the next month of delivery is published.
Soya bean oil, Chicago
For soya bean oil, the market uses prices for various months of delivery.
The price of the next month of delivery is published.
1 lb (pound) = 453,59243 gram.
Wheat, Chicago
For wheat, the market uses prices for various months of delivery.
The price of the next month of delivery is published.
1 bushel of wheat = 60 lb = 27,215545.
Pig bellies, Chicago
For pig bellies, the market uses prices for various months of delivery.
The price of the next month of delivery is published.
1 lb (pound) = 453,59243 gram.
Live pigs, Chicago
For live pigs, the market uses prices for various months of delivery.
The price of the next month of delivery is published.
1 lb (pound) = 453,59243 gram.