Investment climate; capital international comparison 1990-2011

Investment climate; capital international comparison 1990-2011

Countries Periods Capital stock ICT capital stock (% of total capital stock) Investments ICT investments ICT investments, total (% of total investments) Investments ICT investments IT equipment (% of ICT investments) Investments ICT investments Communication equipment (% of ICT investments) Investments ICT investments Software (% of ICT investments)
Australia 2011 . . . . .
Austria 2011 . . . . .
Belgium 2011 . . . . .
Canada 2011 . . . . .
Czech Republic 2011 . . . . .
Denmark 2011 . . . . .
Finland 2011 . . . . .
France 2011 . . . . .
Germany 2011 . . . . .
Hungary 2011 . . . . .
Ireland 2011 . . . . .
Italy 2011 . . . . .
Japan 2011 . . . . .
The Netherlands 2011 . . . . .
Poland 2011 . . . . .
South Korea 2011 . . . . .
Spain 2011 . . . . .
Sweden 2011 . . . . .
United Kingdom 2011 . . . . .
United States 2011 . . . . .
EU-15 2011 . . . . .
OECD 2011 . . . . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

This table shows the international developments in the capital stock and the investments. Beside the picture of the total economy, a category has been made for ICT (information and communication technology). The table is related both to the physical capital stock and its renewal or extension by means of (foreign) capital investments, and to the money that is necessary to finance the investments, in particular the venture capital. The scope of the capital and the investments in a country are mainly defined by the propensity of entrepreneurs to invest. Investment behaviour is partly defined by the investment climate.

Comparable definitions are used to compare the figures presented internationally. The definitions sometimes differ from definitions used by Statistics Netherlands. The figures in this table could differ from Dutch figures presented elsewhere on the website of Statistics Netherlands.

Data available from 1990 up to 2012.

Status of the figures:
The external source of these data frequently supplies adjusted figures on preceding periods. For example, it often happens that countries still provide figures on older years. The reverse, older figures being withdrawn, also happens now and then. These adjusted data are not mentioned as such in the table.

Changes as of 22 December 2017:
No, table is stopped.

When will new figures be published?

Description topics

Capital stock
Real fixed capital stock, excluding dwellings.
The total current value of the physical (fixed) capital stock that is used in the production process. It is the total value of the cumulated (combined) investments in the capital stock, including the depreciations.

Source: EU KLEMS.
ICT capital stock
Gross fixed capital stock in the categories 'IT equipment', 'Communication equipment' and 'Software'. The figures used do not include the investments in cable networks and machinery to support these cable networks by communication companies.
Additions to the capital stock, whether or not to replace depreciated or closed down parts of the capital stock.
ICT investments
Nominal gross investments in information and communication technology (ICT) as a percentage of total investment. 'Gross' means that it is the total value of the cumulated (combined) investments, including the depreciations.

Source: EU KLEMS.
ICT investments, total
IT equipment
Investments in IT equipment as a percentage of total ICT investments.
Communication equipment
Investments in communication equipment as a percentage of total ICT investments.
Investments in software as a percentage of total ICT investments.