Economic totals per region, 1995-2001

Economic totals per region, 1995-2001

Regions Periods Taxes (not product-related) (mln. euro) Subsidies (not product-related) (mln. euro)
The Netherlands 2001 4,765 3,898
North Netherlands 2001 434 398
East Netherlands 2001 912 764
West Netherlands 2001 2,375 1,901
South Netherlands 2001 1,036 833
Drenthe (PV) 2001 121 109
Noord-Drenthe 2001 42 44
Zuidoost-Drenthe 2001 44 31
Zuidwest-Drenthe 2001 35 34
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

GDP, GDP per capita, consistency with GDP, total value added, compensation
of employees, taxes, subsidies, gross operating surplus by region
1995 - 2001
Changed on April 18 2006.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Taxes (not product-related)
Taxes on production paid by producers, not related to the value or volume
of the products produced or transacted. Examples are real estate tax
and sewerage charges paid by producers.
Subsidies (not product-related)
Subsidies on production paid to producers, not related to the value or
volume of products domestically produced or transacted. These are
mainly wage subsidies, and, for instance, subsidies paid to
compensate losses due to outbreaks of swine fever.