Sports clubs; staff, costs and revenues, membership, use of facilities
Explanation of symbols
Table explanation
This table contains information about sports clubs registered with the Chamber of Commerce (excluding water sports and professional sports clubs). Information about their members, accommodation, deployment of volunteers and employees (not) in salaried employment and the composition of income and expenses is presented in this table. The data can be broken down into the various disciplines: Power lifting and combat sports clubs, individual indoor sports clubs, indoor team sports clubs, swimming and diving clubs, other indoor sports clubs, athletic clubs, golf clubs, sport fishing clubs, horse riding clubs, tennis clubs, outdoor team sports clubs (excluding football), football clubs, cycling clubs and other outdoor sports clubs.
Data available from: 2000
The survey is carried out every three years. This was deviated from once in 2020 due to the special situation in that year in connection with the outbreak of the corona pandemic.
Status of the figures:
The figures on 2021 and 2020 are preliminary. All other figures are final.
Changes as of 7 July 2023:
Figures on 2021 are added.
When will new figures be published?
New figures on 2024 will be available in 2025.
Description topics
- Total number of sports clubs
- Excluding water sports clubs and solely professional sports clubs.
- Total number of sports clubs
- Excluding contributors.
- Less than 51 members
- 51 to 100 members
- 101 to 200 members
- 201 to 300 members
- 301 to 400 members
- 401 to 500 members
- More than 500 members
- Average number of members
- Average number of members per sports club.
- Average number of members under 18 years
- Average number of members under 18 years per sports club.
- Sports clubs by use of sports facility
- Sports clubs without sports facility
- The number of sports clubs that does not have the use of a regular sports facility.
- Sports clubs with rented sports facility
- Indoor and/or outdoor accommodation in (on) which sports are practiced. Canteens, changing rooms, lighting installations, material rooms, fish ponds, parking facilities for cars, etc. are not counted as sports accommodations.
- Sports clubs with accommodation owned
- Including ownership of a part of the sports accommodation (whether or not via a separate, independent legal entity).
- Sport hall or gymnasium
- Gym (maximum 22 meters x 13 meters) or hall for multiple sports.
- Indoor tennis court
- Other indoor sports facility
- For example, a sports hall or hall is only suitable for practicing one sport, indoor swimming pool or combi bad or covered horse riding arena.
- Pitch, field or track
- Sports field, tennis courts or sport tracks (for example a track and field accommodation).
- Golf course
- Other outdoor sports facility
- Outdoor swimming pools, nature baths, open-air horse riding arena or other open-air accommodation (for example boules complex, go-kart track).
- Ownership in different legal form
- Sports accommodation accommodated in a separate, independent legal entity.
- Sports clubs with club house
- Includes canteen.
- Sports clubs with club house owned
- Includes clubhouse / canteen accommodated in a separate, independent legal entity.
- Staff
- Employed persons
- Employees
- An employee is a person who has a contract with an economic unit to carry out work in return for financial remuneration.
- Employed persons not on payroll
- Persons who did paid work, but were not on the payroll (for example temporary workers, freelancers, self-employed workers, hired in from third parties).
- Employees
- An employee is a person who has a contract with an economic unit to carry out work in return for financial remuneration.
- Labour volume
- Working hours in last week of September of employed staff converted to full-time equivalents.
For example: two persons both working 4 hours a day, add up to one full-time equivalent.- Employees
- An employee is a person who has a contract with an economic unit to carry out work in return for financial remuneration.
- Labour volume by type of work
- Training, instruction, medical care
- Management, committees, administration
- Maintenance, cleaning, canteen
- Other work
- Sports clubs with volunteers
- Persons who performed work for the sports club without monetary compensation, or with only an expense or volunteer allowance.
- Working hours of volunteers per week
- Total working hours volunteers
- Working hours of volunteers in the last full week of September.
- Supervision (of youth members)
- Training, coaching, medical care
- Management, committees, administration
- Maintenance, cleaning, canteen
- Exploitation
- Revenues
- Excluding withdrawals from reserves / negative balances.
- Total revenues
- Excluding withdrawals from reserves / negative balances.
- Membership and tuition fees
- Includes income from providing sports demonstration and admission fees.
- Grants and contributions
- Government grants, contributions from funds and donations and revenues from self-organized fund raising actions and events.
- Sponsorship and advertising
- Canteen proceeds
- Other revenues
- For example, revenues from (sub) rental of accommodation, lease /positive balance canteen and the like for organizations that did not own the canteen, the buffet and the like, but had leased or accommodated them in a separate, independent legal entity.
- Costs
- Excluding transfers to reserves / positive balances.
- Total costs
- Excluding transfers to reserves / positive balances.
- Wages and social charges
- Staff not on payroll
- Payments to hired staff (not in paid employment) and reimbursements to volunteers.
- Housing costs
- Rent of buildings and sport facilities, energy and water costs.
- Maintenance and cleaning
- Costs of canteen purchases
- Interest and depreciations
- Payments to sports federations
- Costs of matches and travelling
- Other costs
- For example insurance premiums, costs for promotional or member yard actions.