Professional performing arts; capacity, performances, attendance, region

Professional performing arts; capacity, performances, attendance, region

Regions Periods Performances Musical performances (number) Performances Music theatre performances (number) Attendance Musical performances (x 1 000) Attendance Music theatre performances (x 1 000)
Nederland 2022* 20,138 5,745 9,568 2,378
Noord-Nederland (LD) 2022* 1,640 367 475 105
Oost-Nederland (LD) 2022* 3,256 895 1,217 218
West-Nederland (LD) 2022* 11,005 3,577 6,571 1,783
Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2022* 4,237 906 1,305 272
Groningen (PV) 2022* 809 134 291 53
Fryslân (PV) 2022* 602 168 137 38
Drenthe (PV) 2022* 229 65 47 14
Overijssel (PV) 2022* 1,174 428 341 85
Flevoland (PV) 2022* 290 58 57 18
Gelderland (PV) 2022* 1,792 409 819 115
Utrecht (PV) 2022* 2,066 645 852 350
Noord-Holland (PV) 2022* 5,334 1,014 4,384 517
Zuid-Holland (PV) 2022* 3,271 1,844 1,280 899
Zeeland (PV) 2022* 334 74 55 18
Noord-Brabant (PV) 2022* 2,730 498 940 142
Limburg (PV) 2022* 1,507 408 365 130
Total 4 large cities 2022* 6,856 2,238 5,547 1,287
Utrecht (municipality) 2022* 1,406 458 681 .
Amsterdam 2022* 3,561 562 3,920 392
's-Gravenhage (The Hague) 2022* 862 532 292 .
Rotterdam 2022* 1,027 686 653 98
Other large cities >100,000 inhabitants 2022* 7,242 1,529 2,613 439
Small cities =<100,000 inhabitants 2022* 6,040 1,978 1,408 653
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains the results for capacity, performances and attendance of organisations where professional performing arts are presented. The results are broken down by region and discipline.

Data available from: 1999.

Status of the figures:
The figures for 2016-2022 are provisional. All other figures are final.

Changes as of December 2023:
The provisional figures for 2022 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
In the fourth quarter of 2024 the provisional figures of the preceding year will be published.

Description topics

Artistic productions (performances or activities with one or more acts) presented by professional performer or group for a general audience. Every artistic production (performance or activity) is performed by at least one professional performer.
Musical performances
Pop, jazz, blues, classical music, DJ performances.
Music theatre performances
Dance, folk dancing, classical ballet, modern dance, mime.
Number of visitors to performances (including season tickets).
Musical performances
Pop, jazz, blues, classical music, DJ performances.
Music theatre performances
Dance, folk dancing, classical ballet, modern dance, mime.