Institutional investors; balance sheet 1998 - 2012

Institutional investors; balance sheet 1998 - 2012

Institutional investors Periods Assets Total assets (mln euro) Assets Bonds Total bonds (mln euro) Assets Shares Total shares (mln euro) Assets Long-term loans Long-term loans rest of the world (mln euro) Assets Mortgage loans Rest of the world (mln euro) Assets Other assets (mln euro) Liabilities Bonds (mln euro) Liabilities Short-term securities other than shares (mln euro) Liabilities Short-term loans (mln euro) Liabilities Long-term loans (mln euro)
Total institutional investors 2010 1,580,974 465,035 735,519 6,184 44 2,903 2,479 - 54,295 18,197
Total institutional investors 2011** 1,676,384 508,338 737,453 5,302 44 2,291 2,559 - 55,674 18,833
Total institutional investors 2012* 1,884,616 583,220 844,538 6,712 44 1,489 2,823 - 48,563 21,121
Pension funds 2010 783,967 191,370 431,150 2,830 44 59 - - 17,546 748
Pension funds 2011** 837,395 213,475 429,591 2,235 44 54 - - 19,819 1,148
Pension funds 2012* 965,451 248,119 508,498 2,263 44 54 - - 16,235 1,346
Insurance corporations 2010 434,803 172,156 108,289 1,129 - 2,776 888 - 20,728 8,275
Insurance corporations 2011** 465,521 180,397 106,618 1,141 - 2,177 1,230 - 20,780 8,614
Insurance corporations 2012* 487,689 200,461 109,122 1,190 - 1,435 1,361 - 16,544 11,050
Investment funds 2010 362,204 101,509 196,080 2,225 - 68 1,591 - 16,021 9,174
Investment funds 2011** 373,468 114,466 201,244 1,926 - 60 1,329 - 15,075 9,071
Investment funds 2012* 431,476 134,640 226,918 3,259 - - 1,462 - 15,784 8,725
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table consists of the balance sheet of institutional investors. It enables analyzing shifts in the balance sheet of institutional investors. This is possible for the total of institutional investors, and for each of the three groups: pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.

Data available from 1998 to 2012.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are up to 2010 definitive, figures for 2011 are revised provisional figures and figures for 2012 are provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of 5 February 2015:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is replaced by table Institutional investors; balance sheet. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Total assets
Securities other than shares with a maturity of at least 1 year. More
common are bonds with a fixed interest rate, but floating rate notes and
zero-coupon bonds do occur.
Total bonds
Quoted shares. These financial assets represent marketable property rights
on corporations. Prices of these shares are quoted on a recognised stock
Total shares
Long-term loans
Loans with a maturity of minimum 1 year excluding mortgage loans.
Long-term loans rest of the world
Mortgage loans
Loans secured by property. Mortgage loans are broken down by collateral
in the same way as property, but combining houses, offices and shops in
one category.
Rest of the world
Other assets
Fixed assets such as inventory and stocks.
Securities other than shares with a maturity of at least 1 year. More
common are bonds with a fixed interest rate, but floating rate notes and
zero-coupon bonds do occur.
Short-term securities other than shares
Securities other than shares with a maturity of maximum 1 year. Some
examples are: Dutch treasury certificates, certificates of deposit,
commercial paper.
Short-term loans
Loans with a maturity of maximum 1 year. Some examples are: overnight
loans, advance loans, current accounts. Short-term assets on monetary
financial institutions are classified as deposits, not as loans.
Long-term loans
Loans with a maturity of minimum 1 year.