Personnel government; employees, salary, average age, 1997 - 2005

Personnel government; employees, salary, average age, 1997 - 2005

Selection group Periods Average contractual salary (euro)
Total sector municipalities 2005 2,830
< 14000 inhabitants 2005 2,789
14000 - < 40000 inhabitants 2005 2,818
40000 - < 100000 inhabitants 2005 2,854
100000 - < 375000 inhabitants 2005 2,985
>= 375000 inhabitants 2005 2,706
Provinces 2005 3,235
District water boards 2005 3,038
Intermunicipal corporations 2005 2,977
University hospitals 2005 2,986
Police force 2005 .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

The information on public sector contractual salaries is published as
part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' publication key figures on
public sector employees.
This publication annually describes the composition and the number of
persons employed in eleven public sectors.
Statistics Netherlands provides data on six public sectors, i.e.
municipalities, provinces, district water boards, intermunicipal
corporations, university hospitals and the police force.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs provide from 2002 the public sector
police force itself.

Data available from: 1997
Frequency: yearly

Status of the figures:
The figures from 1997 until 2005 are final.

When will new figures be published?
The table is canceled because the information on public sector
contractual salaries is now published by the 'Ministry of Internal Affairs'.

Description topics

Average contractual salary
The average monthly salary, which is the basis for the various bonus