Statutory Industrial Organization, 1992 - 2002

Statutory Industrial Organization, 1992 - 2002

Type of appeal Periods Appeals pending at the beg.of the period (absolute) Current appeals and appeals dealt with Appeals submitted (absolute) Current appeals and appeals dealt with Simplified procedure (absolute) Appeals pending at the end of the period (absolute)
Decisions and actions SIO 2002 Total 1,098 1,938 375 1,477
Disciplinary actions 2002 Total 65 74 2 57
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

Administrative Tribunal for Trade and Industry
Statutory industrial organizations and disciplinary decisions
1992 - 2002; Q1 1992 - Q4 2002 (aggregated quarterly figures)
Changed on January 19 2004.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Appeals pending at the beg.of the period
Appeals pending on the first day of the period under review.
Current appeals and appeals dealt with
Appeals submitted
Simplified procedure
The outcome is evident from the beginning. It is possible for the court
to opt for a simplified procedure without the consent of the parties
Appeals pending at the end of the period
Appeals pending on the last day of the period under review.