Aviation; monthly figures of Dutch airports

Aviation; monthly figures of Dutch airports

Airports Periods Aircraft movements Cross-country flights (number) Commercial air traffic Passengers Country of origin/destination Total country of origin/destination (number) Commercial air traffic Passengers Country of origin/destination Unknown (number) Commercial air traffic Cargo Country of origin/destination Total country of origin/destination (ton) Commercial air traffic Cargo Country of origin/destination Unknown (ton) Commercial air traffic Mail Country of origin/destination mail Total country of origin/destination (ton)
Total Dutch airports 2023 August* 51,960 7,061,633 4 112,120 0 454
Total Dutch airports 2023 September* 50,962 6,731,547 10 119,814 0 472
Total Dutch airports 2023 October* 50,894 6,730,858 0 124,515 0 476
Total Dutch airports 2023 November* 41,754 5,315,004 0 118,989 0 595
Total Dutch airports 2023 December* 42,134 5,417,945 2 124,103 0 771
Total Dutch airports 2024 January* 41,948 5,125,828 0 120,257 0 529
Total Dutch airports 2024 February* 41,985 5,232,842 0 123,713 0 542
Total Dutch airports 2024 March* 46,542 5,891,765 3 139,373 0 512
Total Dutch airports 2024 April* 48,019 6,274,032 1 120,928 0 498
Total Dutch airports 2024 May* 52,221 6,930,388 4 126,163 0 523
Total Dutch airports 2024 June* 51,320 6,884,361 4 125,021 0 511
Total Dutch airports 2024 July* 53,018 7,251,748 0 129,985 0 500
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2023 August* 42,932 6,052,884 0 110,126 0 454
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2023 September* 41,967 5,777,208 0 117,325 0 472
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2023 October* 42,962 5,820,061 0 121,994 0 476
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2023 November* 36,474 4,742,398 0 115,817 0 595
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2023 December* 36,762 4,829,500 0 120,029 0 771
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2024 January* 35,987 4,543,879 0 118,253 0 529
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2024 February* 36,154 4,626,939 0 121,853 0 542
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2024 March* 39,446 5,225,678 0 136,492 0 512
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2024 April* 40,360 5,470,432 0 117,657 0 498
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2024 May* 43,536 5,975,694 0 122,510 0 523
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2024 June* 42,492 5,958,047 0 121,648 0 511
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2024 July* 43,901 6,300,801 0 128,192 0 500
Rotterdam The Hague Airport 2023 August* 3,225 260,788 0 0 0 0
Rotterdam The Hague Airport 2023 September* 3,121 242,114 0 0 0 0
Rotterdam The Hague Airport 2023 October* 2,694 210,975 0 0 0 0
Rotterdam The Hague Airport 2023 November* 1,629 102,953 0 0 0 0
Rotterdam The Hague Airport 2023 December* 1,708 118,749 0 0 0 0
Rotterdam The Hague Airport 2024 January* 1,917 122,339 0 0 0 0
Rotterdam The Hague Airport 2024 February* 2,029 135,742 0 0 0 0
Rotterdam The Hague Airport 2024 March* 2,357 145,302 0 0 0 0
Rotterdam The Hague Airport 2024 April* 2,513 172,679 0 0 0 0
Rotterdam The Hague Airport 2024 May* 2,961 229,894 0 0 0 0
Rotterdam The Hague Airport 2024 June* 3,101 229,999 0 0 0 0
Rotterdam The Hague Airport 2024 July* 3,323 258,353 0 0 0 0
Eindhoven Airport 2023 August* 4,003 680,983 0 0 0 0
Eindhoven Airport 2023 September* 4,049 667,278 0 0 0 0
Eindhoven Airport 2023 October* 3,872 661,976 0 0 0 0
Eindhoven Airport 2023 November* 2,692 456,544 0 0 0 0
Eindhoven Airport 2023 December* 2,831 453,660 0 0 0 0
Eindhoven Airport 2024 January* 2,821 443,501 0 0 0 0
Eindhoven Airport 2024 February* 2,785 456,692 0 0 0 0
Eindhoven Airport 2024 March* 3,079 505,130 0 0 0 0
Eindhoven Airport 2024 April* 3,639 610,342 0 0 0 0
Eindhoven Airport 2024 May* 3,978 688,046 0 0 0 0
Eindhoven Airport 2024 June* 3,828 658,426 0 0 0 0
Eindhoven Airport 2024 July* 3,828 651,651 0 0 0 0
Maastricht Aachen Airport 2023 August* 755 43,360 4 1,993 0 0
Maastricht Aachen Airport 2023 September* 750 30,777 10 2,489 0 0
Maastricht Aachen Airport 2023 October* 618 26,376 0 2,521 0 0
Maastricht Aachen Airport 2023 November* 469 10,036 0 3,172 0 0
Maastricht Aachen Airport 2023 December* 481 11,997 2 4,074 0 0
Maastricht Aachen Airport 2024 January* 473 11,753 0 2,004 0 0
Maastricht Aachen Airport 2024 February* 449 9,683 0 1,860 0 0
Maastricht Aachen Airport 2024 March* 788 12,074 3 2,881 0 0
Maastricht Aachen Airport 2024 April* 649 14,244 1 3,271 0 0
Maastricht Aachen Airport 2024 May* 720 25,104 4 3,653 0 0
Maastricht Aachen Airport 2024 June* 828 27,255 4 3,374 0 0
Maastricht Aachen Airport 2024 July* 837 31,335 0 1,793 0 0
Groningen Airport Eelde 2023 August* 1,045 23,618 0 0 0 0
Groningen Airport Eelde 2023 September* 1,075 14,170 0 0 0 0
Groningen Airport Eelde 2023 October* 748 11,470 0 0 0 0
Groningen Airport Eelde 2023 November* 490 3,073 0 0 0 0
Groningen Airport Eelde 2023 December* 352 4,039 0 0 0 0
Groningen Airport Eelde 2024 January* 750 4,356 0 0 0 0
Groningen Airport Eelde 2024 February* 568 3,786 0 0 0 0
Groningen Airport Eelde 2024 March* 872 3,581 0 0 0 0
Groningen Airport Eelde 2024 April* 858 6,335 0 0 0 0
Groningen Airport Eelde 2024 May* 1,026 11,650 0 0 0 0
Groningen Airport Eelde 2024 June* 1,071 10,634 0 0 0 0
Groningen Airport Eelde 2024 July* 1,129 9,608 0 0 0 0
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Data on flight movements, passengers, cargo and mail at Dutch airports.

Summary of the contents of the EU figure in this publication:
The composition of the European Union (EU-15) until 2004: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.
In 2005 the European Union (EU-25) expanded with: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
In 2007 Bulgaria and Romania have been added (EU-27).
In 2014 Croatia was added (EU-28).
As of February 2020 the United Kingdom has left the European Union.

Data available from:
Annual figures available from 1997; monthly figures available from January 1999.

Status of the figures:
The figures are final up to and including 2022, 2023 and for the current year are provisional.

Up to and including December 2020 the figures of EU countries include data for the UK. This to guarantee the comparability of the data. As of January 2021 data for the UK are included in the figures of "other Europe".

As of 8 November 2022 the figures for Eindhoven airport for the reporting period April, May and June 2022 have been adjusted as a result of additional information. As a result, the marginal totals for the months of April, May and June 2022 have also been adjusted.

Due to renovation work on the runway at Maastricht Aachen Airport, there was no air traffic at this airport from 8 May 2023 to 30 June 2023.

Changes as of 13 September 2024:
The figures for July 2024 have been added.

When will figures become available?
The monthly figures are published as a rule 1 month after the end of the reporting month.

Description topics

Aircraft movements
Take-offs and landings:
Information concerning take-offs and landings is based on the so-called
'airport records' dispatched monthly to Statistics Netherlands by civil
airport authorities.
The number of aircraft movements is the sum of all take-offs and
landings together.
Cross-country flights
The number of take-offs and landings in the category 'cross-country
flights'; a cross-country flight takes off at one airport and lands at
Commercial air traffic
Commercial air traffic:
All commercial air traffic by airlines transporting passengers, cargo and
mail for remuneration and for hire. Such flights can be classified as
- Scheduled flights:
Commercial cross-country flights along fixed routes and according to fixed
- Non-scheduled flights:
Basically irregular commercial cross-country flights, e.g. charter
flights; taxi flights however are excluded.
Transport of passengers in commercial air traffic. Also included are
persons employed by airlines and passengers travelling on free tickets.
Transit passengers (arriving and departing on the same aircraft) and
passengers on taxi flights are not included.
Country of origin/destination
Origin/destination of the passengers is based on 'flight coupons',
which state the airport (country) of origin and destination of the
Total country of origin/destination
Transport of cargo in commercial air traffic, excluding mail and luggage.
Country of origin/destination
The weight of airlifted cargo by country of origin and destination.
'Load sheets' provide information on the airports where cargo is
loaded or unloaded.
Total country of origin/destination
The total weight of mail in commercial air traffic, loaded and unloaded
at Dutch airports.
Country of origin/destination mail
The weight of airlifted mail by country of origin and destination.
'Load sheets' provide information on the airports where mail is
loaded or unloaded.
Total country of origin/destination