Population; sex, age, generation and migration background, 1 Jan; 1996-2022

Population; sex, age, generation and migration background, 1 Jan; 1996-2022

Sex Age Marital status Generation Migration background Periods Population (number)
Total males and females Total Total Total Total 2022 17,590,672
Total males and females Total Total Total Dutch background 2022 13,151,772
Total males and females Total Total Total With migration background 2022 4,438,900
Total males and females Total Total Total Western migration background 2022 1,909,408
Total males and females Total Total Total Non-western migration background 2022 2,529,492
Total males and females Total Total Total Unknown migration background 2022 0
Total males and females Total Total Total Africa 2022 749,780
Total males and females Total Total Total America 2022 751,689
Total males and females Total Total Total Asia 2022 1,023,304
Total males and females Total Total Total Europe (excluding Dutch background) 2022 1,889,704
Total males and females Total Total Total Oceania 2022 24,423
Total males and females Total Total Total European Union (excl. Dutch background) 2022 1,164,767
Total males and females Total Total Total GIPS countries (European Union) 2022 181,453
Total males and females Total Total Total Middle and Eastern European EU countries 2022 410,032
Total males and females Total Total Total Afghanistan 2022 54,991
Total males and females Total Total Total Albania 2022 4,359
Total males and females Total Total Total Algeria 2022 9,016
Total males and females Total Total Total American Samoa 2022 2
Total males and females Total Total Total American Virgin Islands 2022 39
Total males and females Total Total Total Andorra 2022 39
Total males and females Total Total Total Angola 2022 9,363
Total males and females Total Total Total Anguilla 2022 29
Total males and females Total Total Total Antarctica 2022 0
Total males and females Total Total Total Antigua and Barbuda 2022 57
Total males and females Total Total Total Argentina 2022 8,438
Total males and females Total Total Total Armenia 2022 8,615
Total males and females Total Total Total Aruba 2022 30,259
Total males and females Total Total Total Australia 2022 17,722
Total males and females Total Total Total Austria 2022 16,216
Total males and females Total Total Total Azerbaijan 2022 9,049
Total males and females Total Total Total Bahamas 2022 120
Total males and females Total Total Total Bahrain 2022 324
Total males and females Total Total Total Bangladesh 2022 3,504
Total males and females Total Total Total Barbados 2022 171
Total males and females Total Total Total Belarus 2022 4,639
Total males and females Total Total Total Belgium 2022 123,136
Total males and females Total Total Total Belize 2022 35
Total males and females Total Total Total Benin 2022 506
Total males and females Total Total Total Bermuda 2022 69
Total males and females Total Total Total Bhutan 2022 342
Total males and females Total Total Total Bolivia 2022 1,610
Total males and females Total Total Total Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022 39,265
Total males and females Total Total Total Botswana 2022 328
Total males and females Total Total Total Brazil 2022 38,125
Total males and females Total Total Total British Indian Ocean Territory 2022 5
Total males and females Total Total Total British Virgin Islands 2022 21
Total males and females Total Total Total Brunei 2022 840
Total males and females Total Total Total Bulgaria 2022 50,305
Total males and females Total Total Total Burkina Faso 2022 729
Total males and females Total Total Total Burundi 2022 3,374
Total males and females Total Total Total Cambodia 2022 1,344
Total males and females Total Total Total Cameroon 2022 3,602
Total males and females Total Total Total Canada 2022 17,266
Total males and females Total Total Total Cape Verde 2022 23,150
Total males and females Total Total Total Caribbean Netherlands 2022 6,216
Total males and females Total Total Total Cayman Islands 2022 26
Total males and females Total Total Total Central African Republic 2022 114
Total males and females Total Total Total Chad 2022 208
Total males and females Total Total Total Channel Islands 2022 82
Total males and females Total Total Total Chile 2022 6,841
Total males and females Total Total Total China 2022 84,453
Total males and females Total Total Total Colombia 2022 21,853
Total males and females Total Total Total Comoros 2022 22
Total males and females Total Total Total Congo 2022 1,556
Total males and females Total Total Total Congo (Democratic Republic) 2022 8,939
Total males and females Total Total Total Cook Islands 2022 12
Total males and females Total Total Total Costa Rica 2022 1,520
Total males and females Total Total Total Croatia 2022 13,181
Total males and females Total Total Total Cuba 2022 2,781
Total males and females Total Total Total Curaçao 2022 135,218
Total males and females Total Total Total Cyprus 2022 1,859
Total males and females Total Total Total Czech Republic 2022 11,593
Total males and females Total Total Total (former) Czechoslovakia 2022 22,379
Total males and females Total Total Total Czechoslovakia (old) 2022 0
Total males and females Total Total Total Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2022 98
Total males and females Total Total Total Denmark 2022 7,023
Total males and females Total Total Total Djibouti 2022 279
Total males and females Total Total Total Dominica 2022 149
Total males and females Total Total Total Dominican Republic 2022 16,820
Total males and females Total Total Total Ecuador 2022 4,556
Total males and females Total Total Total Egypt 2022 29,483
Total males and females Total Total Total El Salvador 2022 923
Total males and females Total Total Total Equatorial Guinea 2022 91
Total males and females Total Total Total Eritrea 2022 25,080
Total males and females Total Total Total Estonia 2022 2,534
Total males and females Total Total Total Eswatini 2022 159
Total males and females Total Total Total Ethiopia 2022 28,635
Total males and females Total Total Total Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 2022 6
Total males and females Total Total Total Faroe Islands 2022 18
Total males and females Total Total Total Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 2022
Total males and females Total Total Total Fiji 2022 140
Total males and females Total Total Total Finland 2022 5,974
Total males and females Total Total Total France 2022 52,389
Total males and females Total Total Total French Guyana 2022 939
Total males and females Total Total Total French Polynesia 2022 50
Total males and females Total Total Total Gabon 2022 177
Total males and females Total Total Total Gambia 2022 2,350
Total males and females Total Total Total Gaza Strip and West Bank 2022 914
Total males and females Total Total Total Georgia 2022 5,240
Total males and females Total Total Total Germany 2022 342,925
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Population in The Netherlands on 1 January by sex, age, marital status, generation and migration background.

CBS is in transition towards a new classification of the population by origin. Greater emphasis is now placed on where a person was born, aside from where that person’s parents were born. The term ‘migration background’ is no longer used in this regard. The main categories western/non-western are being replaced by categories based on continents and a few countries that share a specific migration history with the Netherlands. The new classification is being implemented gradually in tables and publications on population by origin.

Data available from 1996 to 2022.

Status of the figures:
All figures in the table are final.

Changes per 13 January 2023:
None, this table was discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
No longer applicable. This table is succeeded by the table Population; sex, age, country of origin, country of birth, 1 January. See section 3.

Description topics

The number of people residing in The Netherlands.

Only persons recorded in the population register of a Dutch municipality are included in the population. In principle, every person who lives in the Netherlands for an indefinite period is included in the population register of the municipality. Persons belonging to the population of the Netherlands for whom no permanent place of residence can be designated, are included in the population register of the municipality of The Hague. The population registers do not include the persons living in the Netherlands to whom exemption rules apply with regard to inclusion in the population registers (for example diplomats and NATO military personnel) and persons without legal residence in the Netherlands.