Changes in the dwelling stock; 1995-2011

Table explanation

The statistics on changes in the dwelling stock provide information on the increase, decrease at the beginning and at the end of each quarter and year, broken down by type of ownership.

Data published by provinces, COROP-regions, urban regions, metropolitan agglomerations and municipalities. To facilitate comparison, national figures are also provided. Municipal redivisions as well as border corrections may induce changes in the above classifications.

Data available from: 1st quarter 1995
Frequency: quarterly

Changed as of: 22 November 2013.
Due to a calculation error some values in 2002 Quarter 1 and 3 for the four Groups of provinces were not correct. This has been corrected.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definite.

When will new data be available?
This table is stopped as from 7 December 2012.
In registration year 2012, the figures about changes in the dwelling stock come from a different source. New series has been started to avoid a break in current trends within one table. The relevant figures are published in new tables.
From January 2012 on, data about the building permits will be published in existing tables.
Links to relevant tables and articles can be found in section 3: Links to relevant tables and articles.

Description topics

Dwelling stock begin period
The dwelling stock at the beginning of the period based on the number of dwellings on 1 January 1992 and the changes reported by the municipalities in the period thereafter.
The number of houses added to the dwelling stock due to the building of
newly built and other reasons, broken down by type of ownership.
Total increase
The number of houses added to the dwelling stock due to the building of
new houses and/or other reasons.
Newly built houses
The number of new houses added to the dwelling stock.
Other increase
The number of houses added to the dwelling stock due to conversion,
change of function and other reasons.
Type of ownership
The increase in the dwelling stock by type of ownership, broken down by
newly built houses and otherwise.
Total rented houses
The number of rented houses added to the dwelling stock.
Newly built rented houses
The number of newly built houses to rent added to the dwelling stock.
Other increase rented houses
The number of rented houses added to the dwelling stock due to
conversion, change of function and other reasons.
Total owner-occupied houses
Total number of owner-occupied houses added to the dwelling stock.
Newly built owner-occupied houses
Newly constructed owner-occupied houses added to the dwelling stock.
Otherwise owner-occupied
The number of owner-occupied houses added to the dwelling stock as a
result of conversion, change of function and other causes.
Reduction of the number of houses due to destruction by fire, demolition, conversion, condemned dwelling, change of function and other causes by type of ownership.
Total decrease
Reduction of the number of houses due to destruction by fire, demolition, conversion, condemned dwelling, change of function and other causes.
Decrease rented houses
Reduction of the number of rented houses due to destruction by fire,
demolition, conversion, condemned dwelling, change of function and other causes.
Decrease owner-occupied houses
Reduction of the number of owner-occupied houses due to destruction by fire, demolition, conversion, condemned dwelling, change of function and other causes.
Balance increase
Balance increase in the dwelling stock, i.e. the difference between the
number of houses added to the dwelling stock and the number of houses withdrawn from the dwelling stock.
Administrative corrections
The balance of the provisional and the actual dwelling stock on
31 December of the previous year.
Dwelling stock at the end of a period
The dwelling stock at the end of a period based on the number of dwellings as counted on 1 January 1992 and the changes as reported by the municipalities in the ensuing period.