Electricity balance sheet; supply and consumption 1919-2018

Electricity balance sheet; supply and consumption 1919-2018

Periods Supply of electricity Total supply (mln kWh) Supply of electricity Production Total production (mln kWh) Supply of electricity Production Central (mln kWh) Supply of electricity Production Decentral (mln kWh) Supply of electricity Imports (mln kWh) Supply of electricity Exports (mln kWh) Consumption of electricity Total consumption (mln kWh) Consumption of electricity Via national grids (mln kWh) Consumption of electricity Via industrial grids (mln kWh) Consumption of electricity For production Total for production (mln kWh) Consumption of electricity For production Central (mln kWh) Consumption of electricity For production Decentral (mln kWh) Distribution losses (mln kWh)
2017* 120,766 117,260 76,128 41,132 22,458 18,952 120,766 101,362 15,609 3,795 2,211 1,584 5,414
2018 September* 9,552 9,014 5,572 3,442 2,420 1,882 9,552 7,981 1,300 271 166 105 538
2018 October* 10,332 10,466 6,702 3,764 1,843 1,977 10,332 8,606 1,412 314 202 112 581
2018 November* 10,660 10,356 6,629 3,727 2,132 1,828 10,660 8,866 1,483 311 148 163 600
2018 December* 11,234 10,776 6,594 4,182 2,281 1,823 11,234 9,313 1,598 323 183 140 633
2018* 120,846 112,903 69,910 42,993 26,755 18,812 120,846 101,937 15,523 3,386 1,930 1,456 6,403
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the supply and the consumption of electricity in a balance sheet. Supply is calculated as the production plus imports minus exports. This calculation of the supply results in the amount of electricity consumed in the period concerned.

This consumption is broken down into how the electricity is delivered via the national grid or via industrial grids and into consumption by the power plants which produce the electricity.

Figures on distribution losses are published as extra information. The distribution losses are already included in the published consumption of the grids.

Data available from 1919 until 2018.

Status of the figures:
All figures are definite.

Changes as of August 12th, 2019
None, this table is stopped.

When will new figures be published?
Does not apply. This table is being replaced by Electricity balance sheet; supply and consumption. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Supply of electricity
The amount of electricity primarily available for consumption in the Netherlands. Supply is calculated as production plus imports minus exports.
Total supply
The amount of electricity primarily available for consumption in the Netherlands.
The total amount of electricity generated in the Netherlands. This is without the deduction for the own consumption of the power plants to produce the electricity.
Total production
Total of central and decentral production of electricity.
The production of electricity by thermal or nuclear power plants which deliver to the national high voltage grid of electricity transmission operator TenneT. In the Netherlands the high voltage grid consists of grids with a voltage of 110 kV and higher.
Thermal power plants generate electricity by combustion of fuels such as natural gas, hard coal and biomass.
Nuclear power plants generate electricity with the heat released from nuclear fission in a nuclear reactor.
Production of electricity by thermal power plants which deliver to an industrial grid or the national middle or low voltage grid, and all production of electricity by wind energy, hydro power and solar energy. The national middle or low voltage grid comprises grids with a voltage lower than 110 kV.
Thermal power plants generate electricity by combustion of fuels such as natural gas, hard coal and biomass.
Imports of electricity transported through high voltage grids. The Netherlands has direct connections with Belgium, Germany, Norway and United Kingdom.
Exports of electricity transported through high voltage grids. The Netherlands has direct connections with Belgium, Germany, Norway and United Kingdom.
Consumption of electricity
The amount of electricity delivered to final consumers in the Netherlands. In this table the consumption is broken down into how the electricity is delivered via the national grid or via industrial grids. Electricity power plants also consume electricity to produce electricity.
Total consumption
Total consumption of electricity.
Via national grids
Deliveries to end consumers by overground and underground grids. The national grid transports electricity from power plants, imports and other producers.
Via industrial grids
Consumption of electricity produced on company premises, e.g. in the manufacturing industry, glasshouse horticulture and hospitals.
For production
Consumption of electricity by power plants to produce electricity.
Total for production
The total of consumption by the power plants and the decentral production of electricity.
Consumption of electricity by thermal or nuclear power plants to produce electricity which is delivered by the national high voltage grid of electricity transmission operator TenneT. In the Netherlands the high voltage grid consists of grids with a voltage of 110 KV and higher. Thermal power plants generate electricity by combustion of fuels such as natural gas, hard coal and biomass.
Consumption for the production of electricity by thermal power plants which deliver to an industrial grid or the national middle or low voltage grid, and all production of electricity by wind energy, hydro power and solar energy. The national middle or low voltage grid comprises grids with a voltage lower than 110 kV.
Thermal power installations generate electricity by combustion of fuels such as natural gas, hard coal and biomass.
Distribution losses
Total distribution losses, including losses in energy distribution, transmission and transport.