CBS Urban Data Centre / Groningen region

CBS and the municipality of Groningen will jointly collect, process and present data in a new organisation, the CBS Urban Data Centre / Groningen region.
Groningen is developing into a ‘smart urban region’: a city that makes smart use of the power of technology and data, together with regional authorities. CBS is to provide knowledge on such topics as the linking of new data sources (including Big Data) to municipal as well as CBS data. For this purpose, CBS researchers will work with researchers from the Research & Statistics (O&S) division within the municipality of Groningen at the CBS Urban Data Centre / Groningen region.
The CBS Urban Data Centre / Groningen region is the third Urban Data Centre in the Netherlands. The first UDC was opened in Eindhoven at the end of September 2017. This was followed by a second UDC in the municipality of Heerlen.