Mortality forecasting in the context of non-linear past mortality trends: An evaluation

Cover, Mortality forecasting in the context of non-linear past mortality trends an evalution, Lenny Stoeldraijer
Dissertation on an evaluation of mortality forecasting in the context of non-linear past mortality trends.
This PhD research evaluates mortality forecasting methods and forecasting approaches, both from a quantitative and qualitative perspective. Furthermore, the sensitivity of future mortality based on different explicit assumptions is assessed. Moreover, different elements of a mortality forecasting approach that deals with non-linear past mortality trends are evaluated (e.g., the forecasting of smokingattributable mortality, a model that forecasts mortality coherently).

This PhD thesis not only contributes to the debate on the degree of subjectivity in mortality forecasting, but the findings of this research are used to evaluate, validate, and further improve the mortality forecasts of Statistics Netherlands.

Stoeldraijer, L. (2019). Mortality forecasting in the context of non-linear past mortality trends: An evaluation. Dissertation, University of Groningen, handle:11370/70a8dbec-628a-42b9-afc6-cff076639040.