Population census

[video: https://www.cbs.nl//en-gb/video/d87c16e70cf7459ca7e92fd33635bb1a]

(Subtitled in English )
A history of the oldest official statistics of Statistics Netherlands: the Population Census. How we once went from door to door with pink and blue sheets of paper to know how many inhabitants the Netherlands had. And how we now do this completely virtually thanks to our good Personal Records Database (BRP). With special attention to the renewal of the last census of 2021. We now count in squares of one by one kilometer.


00:00 Introduction
00:27 About the census
01:26 Virtual census
01:51 The Netherlands in squares
02:25 Privacy protection

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In a society where information is growing explosively, it is important that everyone has access to reliable and independent data. As the number one statistical office in the Netherlands, CBS produces information and data that are relevant, reliable and independent. This data provides insight into social issues and informs policy development and decision-making. In this way, CBS contributes to prosperity, well-being and democracy.

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