Environmental Data Compendium


The Environmental Data Compendium is a website aimed at providing the most comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the environment, the nature and the landscape as well as spatial developments in the Netherlands. The publication contains approximately 600 specific topics (indicators), around 300 of which are monitored by Statistics Netherlands (CBS).

The Environmental Data Compendium finds its roots in the ‘Milieu- en Natuurcompendium’, the Dutch National Spatial Strategy (‘Nota Ruimte’) and the ‘Ruimtemonitor’. It is jointly developed by CBS, the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Wageningen University & Research and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

The Compendium can be accessed directly by clicking on the hyperlinks in the top righthand corner. The first link directs you to the homepage of the Environmental Data Compendium.
The second link will direct you to the overview of most recently updated indicators.