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3896 results for working%20for%20Statistics%20Netherlands
3896 results for working%20for%20Statistics%20Netherlands

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Employment; quarterly, sex, National Accounts

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, sex, original and seasonal adjusted


Compensation of employees, employment; quarterly, National Accounts

Compensation of employees, wages, jobs (by sex) , fte, hours worked quarterly, economic activity


Labour price index; index figures 2021=100; National Accounts

Labour price index; wage costs per hour worked Branches SIC 2008


Distribution of well-being: society

The theme society comprises indicators on participation and trust, two fundaments of social cohesion. Trust is important for people individually, but also for social fabric as a whole. At the...


Decline in trade union membership continues

In 2023, 15 percent of workers aged between 15 and 75 were members of a trade union.


Employment; economic activity, quarterly, National Accounts

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, economic activity


Care sector has the most female workers

There were 11.5 million jobs in the Dutch economy in 2023, an increase of 8 million since 1995.


Research and development; key figures per implementation sector

Employed persons, years of work, enterprises with in-house R&D activities Sectors, businesses, institutions, institutions of higher education


Distribution of well-being: labour and leisure time

Recent data on distribution of well-being for the theme labour and leisure time by sex, age, education level and origin/country of birth. Well-being is not distributed equally across all groups in...


SDG 4 Quality education

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 Quality education. SDG 4 stresses the importance of high quality and accessible education for all age groups and in all stages of life: from...


SDG 9.1 Infrastructure and mobility

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9.1 Industry, innovation and infrastructure: Infrastructure and mobility. The first part of SDG 9 addresses the provisions in place to transport...


Employment; economic activity, sex, National Accounts

Employed persons, jobs, full-time equivalents (fte), hours worked Economic activity, sex, employees and self-employed persons


Employment; economic activity, quarterly, National Accounts

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, economic activity


Exports down by over 4 percent in May

In May 2024, the total volume of goods exported (adjusted for the number of working days) was down by 4.3 percent year on year.


Employment; sex,type of employment contract,job characteristics,cao-sector

Jobs, working hours and wag broken down by sex, type of employment co- tract, cao-sector and job characteristics.


Employment; sex; type of employment contract, job characteristics, SIC2008

Jobs and working hours broken down by economic activity and characteristics of employees and job.


Employment; sex, type of employment contract, size of company, cao-sector

Jobs and working hours broken down by cao-sector, sex, size of company and type of employment contract


Coal and coal products; indigenous production, imports, exports; from 1802

Indigenous production, imports and exports and supply of coal and output of patent fuel, coke oven cokes and gas works gas


Temporary employment agencies; turnover index, 2015=100

Temporary employment agencies. Turnover and hours worked: index, change 2015 = 100, change. By activity (SIC 2008).


Employment; quarterly, sex, National Accounts

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, sex, original and seasonal adjusted


Compensation of employees, employment; quarterly, National Accounts

Compensation of employees, wages, jobs (by sex) , fte, hours worked quarterly, economic activity


Employment; sex, type of employment contract, employee charac., cao-sector

Jobs, working hours and wage broken down by men and women, type of employment contract, caosector, age and nationality.


Employment;sex,type of employment contract,employee characteristics,SIC2008

Jobs and working hours broken down by economic activity, sex, charateristics of employee and job.


Employment; sex; type of employment contract, size of company, SIC2008

Jobs and working hours broken down by economic activity and information about employee and company.


Labour price index; index figures 2015=100; National Accounts

Labour price index; wage costs per hour worked Branches SIC 2008
