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1913 results for utility construction
1913 results for utility construction

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International trade and transit trade; transport mode, 2007-2017

International trade, transport, transit trade Continents, NSTR chapters, flow types, value and weight, transport mode


Financial instruments: From-whom-to-whom matrices; NA, 1999-2017

Financial transactions between economic sectors Sectors, balance sheets and transactions


Producer price indices for services (SPPI); index 2010=100, 2002-2017

Price indices commercial services, different branches such as transport and storage, IT and architecture


International trade and transit trade; product group 2007-2017

International trade, transport, transit trade Continents, NSTR chapters, flow types, value and weight


Labour force; main figures by sex and other characteristics 1996-2014

Persons employed, labour force, unemployment broken down by personal features (age, level of education, origin) and sex


Medical contacts, hospitalisation, medicines; characteristics, 2010-2013

GP, specialist, dentist, fysiotherapist, hospitalisation, medicine use Sex, age, educational level


Current transactions by sectors; NA, 1995-2017

Current transactions and balancing items of institutional sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


Structure national net lending/borrowing; NA, 1995-2016

Structure of national net lending/borrowing Annual data


Sector accounts; seasonally adjusted data, NA, 1999-2017

Transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Non seasonally adjusted and seasonally adjusted figures


Changes in the dwelling stock; 1995-2011

Number of dwellings, dwelling stock, newly built houses and other changes by municipality


Key figures by sector; NA, 1995-2017

Sector accounts; key figures Most important figures of institutional sectors


Financial balance sheets and transactions by sectors; NA, 1995-2017

Financial balance sheets and transactions by economic sectors Sectors, balance sheets, assets and liabilities


Local units by municipalities, 2006-2010

Number of local units Economic activity (SIC 2008) and municipalities
