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2343 results for tax received
2343 results for tax received

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Business survey Netherlands; quarterly, to sector/branches

Developments, expectations and opinions of businesses Sector/branches


Compensation of employees, employment; economic activity, National Accounts

Compensation of employees, wages, labour volumes of employees economic activities, full-time and part-time jobs


Compensation of employees, employment; quarterly, National Accounts

Compensation of employees, wages, jobs (by sex) , fte, hours worked quarterly, economic activity


Consumer prices; price index 2015=100

Consumer price indices. Index figures consumer expenditures 2015 = 100 Price index, monthly and yearly rates and weightingcoëfficient


Compensation of employees, employment; quarterly, National Accounts

Compensation of employees, wages, jobs (by sex) , fte, hours worked quarterly, economic activity


Labour price index; index figures 2021=100; National Accounts

Labour price index; wage costs per hour worked Branches SIC 2008


Employment;sex,type of employment contract,employee characteristics,SIC2008

Jobs and working hours broken down by economic activity, sex, charateristics of employee and job.


Employment; sex; type of employment contract, size of company, SIC2008

Jobs and working hours broken down by economic activity and information about employee and company.


CBS Multi-annual Programme 2024-2028

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has made plans for the future based on discussions with stakeholders. The results are described in this Multi-annual Programme for 2024-2028.


Labour price index; index figures 2015=100; National Accounts

Labour price index; wage costs per hour worked Branches SIC 2008


Employment; sex,type of employment contract,job characteristics,cao-sector

Jobs, working hours and wag broken down by sex, type of employment co- tract, cao-sector and job characteristics.


Employment; sex, type of employment contract, employee charac., cao-sector

Jobs, working hours and wage broken down by men and women, type of employment contract, caosector, age and nationality.


Employment; sex, type of employment contract, size of company, cao-sector

Jobs and working hours broken down by cao-sector, sex, size of company and type of employment contract


Employment; jobs, wages, working hours, SIC2008; key figures

Jobs, working hours and wages broken down by economic activity and cha- racteristics job, employee and company.


Employment; sex; type of employment contract, job characteristics, SIC2008

Jobs and working hours broken down by economic activity and characteristics of employees and job.


Business Survey Netherlands; key figures

Developments, expectations and assesments of businesses Sector/branches


National Accounts 2023 tables

Supply- and use tables, input-output tables and sector accounts


Municipal budgets; levies by region and size class

Budgeted revenues municipal levies millions of euros and euros per inhabitant by region and size class.


Annual rate of change CPI; since 1963

Annual rate of change according to CPI since 1963


Municipal budgets; levies per municipality

Budgeted income municipal levies per municipality.


Municipal accounts; levies by region and size class

Realised revenues municipal levies in million euros and euros per inhabitant by region and size class


Foreign-born employees; resident/non-resident, demographic variables

Jobs of foreign-born employees, characteristics employees Industry branch SBI 2008, hourly wage, type of contract


Prices of natural gas and electricity

Prices of natural gas and electricity Price components and price structure


Key figures municipal budgets; levies by region and size class

Key figures budgeted revenues municipal levies million euro and euro per inhabitant by region and size class


Provincial budgets; levies by province

Budgeted revenues provincial levies in millions of euros by province.
