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1380 results for short holidays
1380 results for short holidays

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Consumer prices; rent increase for dwellings by region

Raise of rent by region, raise of rent in- and excluding rent harmonisation and rent harmonisation


economic situation improves again

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation improved considerably in July 2015 relative to June. In the period summer 2013-spring 2014, the Dutch economy...


economic situation continues substantial improvement

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation improved considerably in June 2015 from May


slightly more jobs and vacancies in third quarter

According to the labour market review, the cautious recovery of the labour market continued in the third quarter of 2014.


International trade in services

The aim of the International trade in services statistics is to publish data on imports and exports of services by enterprises established in the Netherlands.


Livestock manure; production, transport and use; key figures, 1950-2013

Manure production, nitrogen and phosphate in manure, nitrogen losses, manure exports, manure processing, manure use


Retail trade; turnover change, 2000 - 2012

Turnover value, price and volume indices and changes in retail trade Retail Trade (SIC 2008)


CBS and The Hague unite ambitions in a new UDC

News article CBS and The Hague unite ambitions in a new UDC


Investments of institutional investors; foreign investments 1980-2017

Foreign investments for each category of investments. Pension funds, insurance corporations, investment funds.


Labour price index; index figures 2010=100; National Accounts, 2001-2017

Labour price index; wage costs per hour worked Branches SIC 2008


Regional household accounts 1995 - 2001

Transactions in mln. euro, transactions per capita and transactions per household


Sharp rise in poverty in 2011

These are among the conclusions in the Poverty Survey 2012 (Armoedesignalement 2012) which is published today. In the report, researchers from the Netherlands Institute for Social Research/SCP and...


unemployment statistics better and cheaper

Lower costs, more respondents, better international comparability and web surveys.


Bankruptcies; flow data, 1981-2011

Bankrupcty petitions, pronounced bankruptcies by source and legal form, annulled bankruptcies, and terminated bankruptcies, all by province


Sewage and refuse disposal; employment and finance, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover and other financial result Branches (SIC'93) sewage and refuse disposal


Quarterly National Accounts; changes 1988 - q1 2014

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value,volume and price changes


Statistics Netherlands, city of Eindhoven join forces to launch first CBS Urban Data Center

CBS and the city of Eindhoven have embarked on a unique joint project


Economic situation improves considerably

ccording to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation improved considerably in May 2015  relative to April. In the period between summer 2013 and spring 2014,...


Key figures of the population forecasts 2012-2060

Population, births, deaths and migration Forecastinterval


Netherlands Housing Research 2009

This study is carried out jointly by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Integration and Statistics Netherlands. The report with the outcomes and conclusions of the study, Het wonen overwogen,...


Pension funds; investments before and after consolidation 2008-2016

Investments before and after consolidation. Debt securities; other equity and investment fundshares.


Poverty Survey 2013: Sharp rise in poverty in 2012, but growth expected to weaken

The poverty rate in the Netherlands increased sharply in 2012, as in 2011. Estimates suggest weaker growth in 2013 and a further reduction in 2014.
