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1230 results for quality of life
1230 results for quality of life

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Water boards; tariffs levies

Tariffs water board levies Water system -, road levy -, wastewater treatment - and pollution levy


People with low education and migration background have lowest levels of well-being

People in the Netherlands with low levels of education and those with a migration background have lower levels of well-being than those with higher education and those without a migration background.


Approaches of domestic product (GDP); National Accounts

Data on the output components, final expenditure categories and income components of gross domestic products, annual data


Births: key figures

Fertility, live and stillborn children and multiple births sex, marital status mother, average age mother and father


Study uses AIS data to investigate how ships affect underwater wildlife

Some 90% of all the products traded around the world are transported by ship.


Water board accounts; balance sheet by region

Water board accounts, balance sheet according to the Dutch regulation 'Besluit, Begroting en Verantwoording waterschappen (BBVw)'.


CBS highlights well-being theme in ministerial budgets

At the request of the Dutch Cabinet, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) publishes the Monitor of Well-being & the Sustainable Development Goals annually on Accountability Day (May).


Output and income components of GDP; activities, National Accounts

Output, intermediate consumption, value added and income components Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008)


Birth; key figures

Key figures on birth by sex, birth order or marital status of the mother. Including figures on stillborn children and multiple births


Public libraries

Number of libraries, collection of volumes, volumes lent out, users Type of collection, operating costs and revenues


Over 75 thousand women became first-time mothers in 2023

More than 75 thousand women became mothers for the first time in 2023.


Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (5 digit, division 75-97)

Import and export value of goods (border crossing); SITC (5 digit, division 75-97) and countries.


International trade in goods; change of ownership, SITC (3 digit)

Import and export value of goods (change of ownership); SITC (3 digit) and countries.


SEEA Ecosystem account Dutch North Sea, 2023

Ecosystem account for the Dutch part of the North Sea following SEEA standards: ecosystem extent and condition; biodiversity; ecosystem services and their monetary value; environmental pressure


Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours; index (2010=100)

Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours, Index fig. 2010=100 monthly, SIC 2008


Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (5 digit, division 66-74)

Import and export value of goods (border crossing); SITC (5 digit, division 66-74) and countries.


Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (5 digit, division 51-65)

Import and export value of goods (border crossing); SITC (5 digit, division 51-65) and countries.


Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (5 digit, division 00-43)

Import and export value of goods (border crossing); SITC (5 digit, division 00-43) and countries.


Financial balance sheets and transactions by sectors; National Accounts

Financial balance sheets and transactions by economic sectors Sectors, balance sheets, assets and liabilities


Renewable electricity; production and capacity

Production and capacity of renewable energy Hydro power, wind energy, solar energy, biomass


Well-being; core indicators, background characteristics

(Un)happiness and (dis)satisfaction with aspects of life Gender, age, migration background and other characteristics


NNPF: Neural Network Particle Filter for Time Series Data

Discussion paper on a novel particle filter based on a neural network for time series analysis.


Population; households and population dynamics; from 1899

Population, households, population growth, births, mortality, marriages, marriage dissolutions, change of nationality and migration


Provincial budgets; revenues and expenditures by province

Budgeted expenditures and revenues per task (policy area) in millions of and in euros per inhabitant by province


Number of new-build transactions halved in Q2 2023

In Q2 2023, the number of new dwelling market transactions was down by over a half relative to one year previously.
