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1853 results for mineral balances
1853 results for mineral balances

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Crude and petroleum products balance sheet; supply and consumption

Crude petroleum products balance sheet, supply, consumption energy commodities


Non-financial balance sheets; national accounts

balance sheets, national accounts, sectors sector, asset


Government balance sheet; assets and liabilities

Government balance sheet; net worth; general government sector assets (financial and non-financial), liabilities and gov. net worth


Coal and coal products balance sheet; supply and consumption

Supply, imports, exports, stock change and consumption Coal and coal products


Energy balance sheet; supply, transformation and consumption

Energy, supply, transformation, consumption, final consumption Natural gas, electricity, petroleum, hard coal, renewable energy, heat


Financial balance sheets and transactions by sectors; National Accounts

Financial balance sheets and transactions by economic sectors Sectors, balance sheets, assets and liabilities


Government; Balance and Maastricht debt, sectors

Balance and Maastricht debt in million euros and as percentage of GDP subdivided to subsectors of general government.


Local intergovernmental org.; balance sheet per 31 December 2005-2021

Municipalities accounts, balance sheet according to the Dutch regulation ‘Besluit Begroting en Verantwoording gemeenten en provincies (BBV)'.


Government; financial balance sheet, market value, sectors

Financial transactions and balance sheet of the government. Financial instruments, assets and liabilities, stock and flows, sectors.


Public revenue and public expenditure nearly balanced in 2022

The Dutch government realised a slight surplus of 0.1 billion euros over 2022. There was still a 20-percent budget deficit in 2021.


Provincial accounts; balance sheet by region

Provincial accounts, balance sheet by regulation 'Besluit Begroting en Verantwoording' (BBV).


Local intergovernmental organisations; balance sheet per 31 December

Municipalities accounts, balance sheet according to the Dutch regulation ‘Besluit Begroting en Verantwoording gemeenten en provincies (BBV)'.


Municipal accounts; balance sheet by region and size class

Municipal accounts, balance sheet according to the Dutch regulation 'Besluit Begroting en Verantwoording gemeenten en provincies (BBV)'.


Government; debt guarantees, off-balance PPP, non-performing loans

one-off and standardised guarantees, adjusted capital value of off balance sheet public private partnerships, government sectors.


Water board accounts; balance sheet by region

Water board accounts, balance sheet according to the Dutch regulation 'Besluit, Begroting en Verantwoording waterschappen (BBVw)'.


Energy balance sheet; supply and consumption, sector

Supply, consumption, energy transformation Energy commodities, sector


Natural gas balance sheet; supply and consumption

Indigenous production, imports, exports, stock change and consumption


Electricity balance sheet; supply and consumption

Electricity, production by energy source, import, export and consumption


87 percent of imports from Russia are mineral fuels

In 2021, the value of Dutch goods imports from Russia stood at 18.4 billion euros. Of this amount, 87 percent represented mineral fuels, of which over half was crude oil and the remainder were...


Current transactions by sectors; National Accounts

Current transactions and balancing items of institutional sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


Sector accounts; seasonally and working day adjusted, National Accounts

Transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Non seasonally adjusted and seasonally adjusted figures


International trade in goods; change of ownership, key figures

Im-, (re-)export value and trade balance of goods (change of ownership); SITC (1 digit) and countries.


Health care institutions; key figures, finance and personnel

Profit/loss account, balance sheet, personnel, self-employed, hospitals, mental health hospitals, residential care for children


Non-financial corporations; non-fin. transactions by type of corporations

Resources, uses and balancing items of subsectors non-financial corporati Subsectors of non-financial corporations


Extraction, import and export of materials by continent; national accounts

Material flow accounts, environmental accounts, biomass, minerals, metals biomassa, metalen, mineralen, materiaalstromen, grondstof, halffabrikaat
