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377 results for legacy-Statistisch jaarboek
377 results for legacy-Statistisch jaarboek

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Caribbean Netherlands: inbound tourism by air; nationality

Visitor arrivals by airplane on Bonaire, St Eustatius or Saba By nationality


Research and development; expenditure and funding per implementation sector

R&D expenditure, source of funding, type of cost, implementation sector


Government expenditure; transactions, sectors

Government expenditure (ESA 2010). Current and capital transactions, sectors, quarters.


Non-financial corporations; non-fin. transactions by type of corporations

Resources, uses and balancing items of subsectors non-financial corporati Subsectors of non-financial corporations


Local intergovernmental organisations; revenues and expenditures by tasks

Intergovernmental organisations, revenues, expenditures by main function Directive for Budgeting and Accounting (BBV) municipalities and provinces


Local intergov. organisations; revenues and expenditures by tasks 2018-2021

Intergovernmental organisations, revenues, expenditures by main function Directive for Budgeting and Accounting (BBV) municipalities and provinces


Government revenue; transactions, sectors

Government revenue (ESA 2010). Current and capital transactions, sectors, quarters.


Municipal budgets; income and expenditures by region and size class

Budgeted expenditures and revenues per task (policy area) in millions of and in euros per inhabitant by region and size class


Municipal accounts; municipal tasks by region and size class

Realised revenues municipal levies in million euros and euros per inhabitant by region and size class


Current transactions by sectors; National Accounts

Current transactions and balancing items of institutional sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


Population forecast, Caribbean Netherlands 2020-2050

Between 1 January 2011 and 1 January 2020, the population of the Caribbean Netherlands rose from 21 thousand to 26 thousand. This represents over 2 percent population growth per year.


Exogenous shocks - Brexit (chapter 5 Internationalisation Monitor)

Trade in goods with the UK after Brexit: Truly tariff-free? brexit


Internationalisation Monitor 2022 Q2 – International trade in services

In this edition of the Internationalisation Monitor we provide more insight into international trade in services: how did it develop in the past years and what barriers do firms encounter when they...


Internationalisation Monitor 2022, first quarter – The Eurozone

How has the Netherlands' international trade with the euro zone developed since the introduction of the euro, compared to before and compared to (similar) other countries and territories? How is the...


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, fourth quarter, Exogenous shocks

How did Dutch trade in goods fare during the coronavirus and Brexit shocks? How have trading companies dealt with these exogenous shocks and which traders have been hit the hardest? Which...


Dutch Trade in Facts and Figures, 2021

This publication contains information on internationalisation in the Netherlands. Exports and imports of goods and services, export earnings, value chains, multinationals and investment are covered...


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, third quarter – Non-tariff measures

In this Monitor, we offer insight into what NTMs mean in general and to Dutch trade in particular; the effects of NTMs on product quality and costs, and the extent to which NTM-related costs affect...


More than 12 billion euro left in legacies

People who died in the Netherlands in 2008 left a total of more than 12 billion euro in legacies. This is the equivalent of an average 110 thousand euro per legacy.


Ten billion euro left in legacies

Private wealth left behind by people who died in the Netherlands in 2005 amounted to just over 9.6 billion euro.


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, second quarter

This edition of the Internationalisation Monitor focuses on the environmental aspect of Dutch international trade: how does globalisation contribute to the issues and solutions in the area of...


Hoe treft coronacrisis de luchtvaart?

In februari 2020 is het aantal passagiers in de luchtvaart voor het eerst in zeven jaar gedaald ten opzichte van dezelfde maand een jaar eerder. Waar in januari het aantal passagiers nog steeg met...



In de veiligheidsmonitor hebben we aan een heel grote steekproef van zo'n 135 duizend mensen door heel Nederland o.a. gevraagd of zij slachtoffer zijn geweest van een misdrijf. Maarten Bloem,...


Werk en gezondheid

Is er een samenhang tussen baan(on)zekerheid en gezondheid? CBS-hoofdeconoom Peter Hein van Mulligen heeft hier de cijfers over. Over het CBS In een samenleving waarin informatie explosief toeneemt,...


Scheiden en Wonen

Na een scheiding blijven ouders meestal bij elkaar in de buurt wonen. Van de stellen met een of meer kinderen die in 2014 uit elkaar gingen, woonde drie kwart in 2018 minder dan tien kilometer bij...


Brexit en export

Hoe heeft de goederen- en dienstenuitvoer naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk zich ontwikkeld in de loop van 2019? CBS-onderzoeker Marjolijn Jaarsma geeft hier een overzicht van. Over het CBS In een...
