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10423 results for leap year
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10423 results for leap year
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Fewer and fewer survivor benefits

Under the National Survivor Benefits Act (Anw), 105 thousand benefits were paid to claimants in March 2010. This is 9 thousand fewer than twelve months previously.


Many Dutch vote by proxy

Many voters in the Netherlands use the possibility of voting by proxy. In the 2010 Lower Chamber elections, 8 percent of voters had authorised someone else to vote for them.


Unemployment stable in May

According to the most recent figures, unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation stood at 489 thousand in May, almost the same as in April.


More than half of farmers supplement their incomes

More than half of agricultural and horticultural enterprises in the Netherlands generated revenues in 2010 by expanding their range of activities or accepting a job not related to their own...


Environmental protection expenditure

Total environmental expenditure as a percentage of GDP has increased slightly since 2000, indicating that relatively more financial resources have been committed to protection of the environment.


Cancer mortality higher, but risk of dying from cancer lower

The risk of dying from cancer is declining. The risk for men and women to die from cancer dropped by 14 and 5 percent respectively in 2010 relative to 2000, but the cancer death toll has increased...


Unemployment further up

Seasonally adjusted unemployment increased by 7 thousand in April 2013 to reach 650 thousand.


Most young children do not travel unaccompanied

Three quarters of children aged between 4 and 12 did not travel unaccompanied in 2010.


Increased application of CHP systems

In the period 1998-2008, the amount of electricity generated in the Netherlands increased from 92 to 108 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh). The increase is mainly generated in combined heat and power...


Consumer confidence down slightly

After correction for seasonal effect consumer confidence in the Netherlands is 3 points lower in September than it was in August. Confidence has been around -20 since July this year. This is the...


More bankruptcies again

Over 9 300 bankruptcies were pronounced in 2004. This is 7 percent more than in 2003. The increase occurred mainly among natural persons (private individuals with or without single-owner company)....
