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9 results for keyword:children
9 results for keyword:children

Nearly 10 percent of women with elderly parents report heavy care burden

In 2022, 37 percent of people with a parent aged 80 or over provided informal care.


Households Caribbean Netherlands, 1 January 2023

This publication contains table information on (the population in) households in the Caribbean Netherlands on 1 January 2023


Households Caribbean Netherlands, 1 January 2023

This publication contains table information on (the population in) households in the Caribbean Netherlands on 1 January 2023


Children with single parent three times more likely to live in MDU

On 1 January 2021, more than a third of all minors in single-parent households were living in a multi-dwelling unit (MDU), for example an apartment, ground floor unit or upstairs unit. This share is...


Less overweight and obesity among children of higher educated parents

In the period 2018-2021, 12 percent of children aged 2 to 11 were overweight and 3 percent severely overweight (obese).


Childcare benefits for over 1 million children

In 2021, childcare benefits were paid for over 1 million children. The number of children with parents receiving a childcare allowance has been rising since 2015, although growth has levelled off in...


Housing satisfaction; household and dwelling characteristics

Satisfaction with current dwelling and current living environment Owner or tenant, Household characteristics, Dwelling characteristics


Slightly more children experiencing parental separation

In 2019, the share of minor children (under 18) witnessing their parents’ divorce or separation stood at 1.5 percent. This is equivalent to nearly 49 thousand children, 6.5 thousand more than in 1999.


What is the living situation of the elderly in the Netherlands?

As the elderly are more vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus, they currently tend to be (even) more isolated than others. In addition, home care is under pressure nowadays, which means the elderly need...
