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119 results for keyword:social benefits
119 results for keyword:social benefits

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Unemployment rate climbs to 7 percent

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation increased by 16 thousand in November 2012 to reach 552 thousand, i.e. 7 percent...


Slightly more income support benefits

320 thousand income support benefits were being paid to people up to the age of 65 years at the end of September 2012. This is one thousand more than in the previous quarter, and 6 thousand more than...


From benefit to work with reintegration support, fourth measurement (Dutch only)

Report and tables on how often people start work after receiving re-integration support.Commissioned by: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW)


Unemployment increasing further

According to the latest figures, seasonally adjusted unemployment increased by 17 thousand in October 2012 so that 536 thousand people are now unemployed.


Getting back to work with reintegration support, fourth measurement (final results) (Dutch only)

Tables on benefit claimants and on jobseekers not entitled to benefits who started a job, with and without reintegration support. Commissioned by: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW)


Special purpose bank savings as a popular alternative

Dutch households had nearly 11 billion euro deposited in special purpose bank savings products on 31 December 2011. This is nearly 5 billion euro (over 80 percent) more than the year before and...


Slight rise in income support benefits

According to the latest figures, 317 thousand income support benefits were provided on 31 March 2012. This means an increase by one thousand income support benefits to people aged under 65 since 31...


Many unemployed and disabled in eastern part of the Netherlands

Municipalities where the proportion of people receiving unemployment and disability benefits was high in June 2011 are mainly found in the eastern part of the Netherlands.


Getting back to work with reintegration support, fourth measurement (preliminary results) (Dutch only)

Tables on benefit claimants and jobseekers not entitled to a benefit who started a job, with and without reintegration support. Commissioned by: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW)


Number of social security benefits marginally higher in 2011

According to the latest figures, 316 thousand social security benefits were granted by the end of last year to individuals under the age of 65 living at home, i.e. 9 thousand more than one year...


Employees without supplementary pension schemes, 2010 (Dutch only)

Figures on employees without supplementary pension schemes in 2010. Commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW)


Fewer households rely on benefits for a long period of time

Last year, 855 thousand Dutch households were dependent on benefits for a sustained period of time, i.e. nearly 40 thousand fewer than in 2009. The total number of households living on benefits...


Fewer income support benefits for young people

New figures show that 314 thousand people younger than 65 years were claiming income support benefit at the end of September 2011.


From benefit to work with reintegration support, third measurement (definite figures, Dutch only)

Report and tables on people starting work after claiming a social security benefit, and people starting work who were not entitled to a benefit, but were looking for a job; with and without...


Decrease in disability benefits slowing down

In August 2011, 825 thousand people in the Netherlands were claiming a disability benefit. Nearly half of them received a benefit because of mental health problems or a behavioural disorder.


Fewer men receive unemployment benefits

By the end of September this year, 251 thousand unemployment (WW) benefits were granted, a decline by 3 thousand relative to one year previously.


Costs of social security amount to 179 billion euro in 2010

In the Netherlands, 179 billion euro ((30 percent of the total amount earned by all Dutch together) was spent on social security last year. Unemployment benefits rose most rapidly by 12 percent...


Slower increase in spending on disability benefits for the young in 2010

The Dutch government spent 2.2 billion euro less on disability benefits for young people (Wajong benefits) in 2010. This accounts for one fifth of the country’s total spending on disability benefits.


Increase social security benefits slows down

The most recent figures show that the number of social security benefits granted to people under the age of 65 has risen to 318 thousand in the second quarter of 2011.


Youth 2009 (Dutch only)

This paper presents information on young people (15-26 years) in the Netherlands in 2009. Among other things, it looks at young people in education, with a job and receiving social benefits....


Concurrence of care and income 2009 (Dutch only).

Figures on the size of the group of individuals with multiple services at the same time in the domains of care and income in 2009. Commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW).


High proportion of benefit recipients in provinces of Limburg and Groningen

The number of people relying on social security varies widely across the Dutch provinces.


Getting back to work with reintegration support (third measurement, Dutch only)

Tables on benefit claimants and jobseekers not entitled to a benefit who started a job, with and without reintegration support. Commissioned by: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW)


Jobless older people, one year later - Labour market opportunities for unemployed 45 to 64 year-olds and sources of income of all 45 to 64 year-olds (Dutch only)

Figures on the labour market opportunities of older unemployed people (45 to 64 years old) in 2008 and one year later, and information on sources of income of all people in this age group in...


Number of social security benefits up by 26 thousand in 2010

The latest figures published show that the number of social security benefits granted to people under the age of 65 has risen by 26 thousand over 2010. The number of social security benefits paid out...
