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540 results for Groningen
540 results for Groningen

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Number of brewers more than quadrupled since 2007

The number of beer breweries in the Netherlands has more than quadrupled.


Half of Dutch adults will be over 50 in 2019

2019 will be the first year in which half the Dutch adult population will be older than 50 years. In many Dutch municipalities more than half of the population are already over 50.


Fire services; assistance, object and activities 1985-2013

Assistances by the fire brigade by object and activities, divided by regions, provinces and size of cities


Fewer minors suspected of crimes

In 2011 372 thousand crime suspects were registered. That was nearly 3 percent less than the year before.


Average temperature

The average annual temperature in De Bilt rose by 1.7 °C in the period 1952-2017.


2.5 percent of Dutch housing stock vacant for extended period of time

More than 400 thousand houses in the Netherlands are unoccupied; 190 thousand (2.5 percent of the dwelling stock) remain occupied for more than eighteen months.


Fewer families with married parents

The composition of families in the Netherlands has changed in the last ten years. More parents are not married and there are fewer large families.


Most people have their GP close by

Most people live in the vicinity of their GP, but the road distance to the nearest out-of-hours GP centre is longer, in particular for people living in rural areas. The GP rate in rural areas is much...


Nine in ten Dutch live within a 5 km radius from a secondary school

The average distance for Dutch residents to the nearest secondary school is 2.4 km. Nine in ten residents have at least one school within a 5 km radius.


House prices in Rotterdam above pre-crisis level

House prices in Rotterdam above pre-crisis level


Fewer traffic deaths in 2012

Last year, 650 people died in traffic accidents in the Netherlands, i.e. 11 fewer than in 2011. The number of traffic fatalities has dropped by 19.9 percent relative to 2006. The traffic death toll...


More supermarkets and department stores in large municipalities

The number of supermarkets and department stores grew substantially in large municipalities in the Netherlands between 2008 and 2013, but declined in the smallest municipalities. Consumer electronics...
