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411 results for immigration
411 results for immigration

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Residence permits asylum; citizenship, 2001 - 2011

Residence permits asylum; temporary and permanent permits By citizenship


Foreign-born employees; resident/non-resident, demographic variables

This survey provides on an annual as well as a quarterly basis insight into the population size and composition of jobs of foreign-born employees working in the Netherlands.


Population decrease in one quarter of Dutch municipalities

In some parts of the Netherlands, especially in the periphery of the country, the population will decrease substantially in the next thirty years. In one quarter of Dutch municipalities the number of...


Asylum requests; international 1990-2009

Requests for asylum submitted in a selection of countries countries


Mapping migrant flows with satellites

Mapping migrant flows with satellites and social media


Regular residence permits; citizenship, 2005-2011

Regular residence permits; temporary and permanent permits citizenship


Well-being elsewhere

What is well-being ‘elsewhere’? Well-being ‘elsewhere’ concerns the effect that the Dutch pursuit of prosperity has on the rest of the world, and particularly on the least developed countries (LDCs).


Dutch satisfied, but large contrasts between groups

Even in times of economic recession, most Dutch people are satisfied with many aspects that determine quality of life.


Annual Report on Integration 2008

The Dutch Annual Report on Integration 2008 was published on 6 November 2008. This report, compiled by Statistics Netherlands, provides a factual overview of developments in the integration of...


Caribbean Netherlands; population; sex, age, 2002-2016

Population Dutch Caribbean Sex, Age


Households; size, position in the household, 1 January 1995-2013

Households in the Netherlands by size and composition, persons by position in the household on 1 January
