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450 results for disablement
450 results for disablement

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Unemployed more engaged in volunteer work than people with paid jobs

Some 22 percent in the adult population were engaged in volunteer work in 2009. People with paid jobs almost as often did volunteer work as people who did not have paid jobs, but unemployed spent...


Energy intensities of buildings in the services sector; floor area

Energy intensities services by floor area natural gas electricity services sector floor area


Fewer households rely on benefits for a long period of time

Last year, 855 thousand Dutch households were dependent on benefits for a sustained period of time, i.e. nearly 40 thousand fewer than in 2009. The total number of households living on benefits...


Two thirds unemployed because jobs were axed or temporary contract expired

In the second quarter of 2013, the employed labour force was reduced by more than 150 thousand relative to the first quarter. For two thirds the main reason for unemployment was that their jobs were...


More farmers generate income from supplementary activities

Non-agricultural activities like agro-tourism, nature conservation and care provision are becoming increasingly popular among farmers and market gardeners.


Energy intensities of buildings in the services sector; construction period

Energy intensities services by construction period Natural gas electricity sector construction period services


Amsterdam has highest proportion of long-term low incomes

Households who have been living on low incomes for four years or more are mainly found in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague. Four in ten municipalities with the greatest risk of long-term poverty...


Single people, one-parent families and pensioners account for most rent allowances

Over 1.1 million households in the Netherlands received a rent allowance in 2008. This cost the government nearly 2 million euro.


Social security cost 159 billion euro in 2008

In the Netherlands people entitled to benefits received 159 billion euro in social security payments in 2008. This is the equivalent of about 27 percent of the Gross Domestic Product, which is what...


Job growth slows in third quarter of 2008

According to figures from Statistics Netherlands, there were 108 thousand more jobs for employees in the Netherlands in the third quarter of 2008 than in the same quarter in 2007. This is an increase...


More jobs than twelve months ago

In the first quarter of 2011, the number of jobs of employees grew by 34 thousand relative to the first quarter of 2010.


Modest wage increase in first quarter of 2011

In the first quarter of this year, collectively negotiated (CAO) wages were 1.1 percent up on one year previously, the lowest wage increase since 2005. The highest increase in CAO wages (1.5 percent)...


Collectively negotiated wage increase highest since the end of 2009

In the first quarter of this year, collectively negotiated (CAO) wages increased by 1.8 percent. The wage increase is the highest since the end of 2009, but is still far below the level of inflation.


Sector accounts; current transactions 1969 - q4 2013

Current transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


Collectively negotiated wages increase 2 percent in 2007

The increase in collectively negotiated wages (CAO) was 2.0 percent in 2007. The wage increase is the same as in 2006, although there is a difference.
