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456 results for capacity
456 results for capacity

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Number of disability benefits down by more than 100 thousand in half a decade

By the end of November last year, 597 thousand disability benefits were paid out, a decrease by 109 thousand from five years ago. The total amount paid out has risen by more than 300 million euro in...


Dutch manufacturers cautiously optimistic

The mood among Dutch manufacturers did not change in May relative to June. The producer confidence indicator remained stable at 0.7. Manufacturers have been cautiously optimistic over the past four...


Substantial increase in use of solar panels

The number of solar panels installed in the Netherlands has grown further in 2011. Total capacity was raised by 40 megawatts, i.e. twice as much as in 2010.


Solar electricity not very popular in the Netherlands

Since the subsidy on solar electricity systems was abolished in 2003, sales of solar electricity systems on the Dutch market have plummeted. Last year, few new systems were added. Nevertheless, Dutch...


SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 Affordable and clean energy. Energy is crucial for economy and society, but is still often generated from coal, oil and gas. By 2030 everyone must...


SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 Affordable and clean energy. Energy is crucial for economy and society, but is still often generated from coal, oil and gas. By 2030 everyone must...


Emission factors by vehicle category and year of construction, 2008

Carbon monoxide, VOC, nitrogen oxides, particulates. Vehicle category, year of construction, road type.


Economy hardly improves

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation improved slightly in November compared with October, although the recovery is still fragile. In the period between...


Nearly 1.7 million disabled people in the Dutch labour force

Nearly 1.7 million people aged 15 to 64 years in the Netherlands had a disability affecting their capacity to work in 2009. This is 15 percent of all 15 to 64 year-olds.


EU mission visits Northern Cyprus statistical office

advice on the latest developments as well as the quality of statistics at the statistical office of Northern Cyprus


Manufacturers and business service providers remain optimistic

Producer confidence in manufacturing industry stands at 3.0 in January 2006, thus equalling the level of December 2005.


Ecosystem condition

The condition or quality of an ecosystem is measured with the aid of a set of ecological key indicators, which relate to both the system’s ecological condition and its capacity to supply ecosystem...


Producer confidence in decline

Producer confidence in manufacturing industry fell to 0.5 in July 2004, slightly below June’s 1.9. The upward trend since the low point in June 2003 was interrupted for the second time by the decline...


Producer confidence at highest level in over 9 years.

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers stood at 8.3 in April, up from 7.8 in March.


Share of renewable energy at 5.9% in 2016

Consumption of wind and solar energy rose, consumption of energy from biomass sources decreased slightly


Most households practise energy conservation

People who say they care about the environment also practise energy conservation


Factsheet Yachts in the Netherlands

Factsheet Yachts in the Netherlands.


Investing abroad and trade relationships

Over half of enterprises outside the service sector with stakes in a foreign business in 2014 also maintained a trade relationship with the country where that business is located.


Statistics Netherlands flash estimate: economic growth still fragile

According to flash estimate of economic growth the Dutch economy grew by 0.2 percent from the second quarter to the third quarter of 2014.


More flexible access to CBS microdata for researchers

Under strict conditions, authorised researchers are allowed access to detailed data
