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404 results for organ donation
404 results for organ donation

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10.7 million adults have registered their organ donation choice

As of 1 January 2023, 10.7 million people aged 18 years and over had recorded their organ donation choice in the Donor Register.


Area under organic farming up by nearly 9 percent

In 2023, the total utilised agricultural area (UAA) under organic farming increased by 6.6 thousand hectares relative to the previous year. This is an area equivalent to over 9 thousand football...


Research and development; expenditure and funding per implementation sector

R&D expenditure, source of funding, type of cost, implementation sector


Sports clubs; staff, costs and revenues, membership, use of facilities

Staff, costs and revenues, membership, use sports facilities, volunteers Type of sports club and period


Earnings and labour volume; exporting and supplying sector (SIC2008)

Labour volume, value added Sector_branches_SIC_2008


Income distribution of households; National Accounts

Income distribution of different household groups in the Netherlands Source of income, living situation, household composition, age and income


Current transactions by sectors; National Accounts

Current transactions and balancing items of institutional sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


Health expenditure; providers, financing for internat.comparisons,1998-2022

Health Accounts; providers and financing, providers; financing


Earnings and labour volume; export flows

Export value, value added export flows


Life style and (preventive) health; personal characteristics, 2014-2021

Smoking, alcohol and drug use, being overweight, physical activity Sexual health, nutrition, health examination, giving informal care.


Urban waste water treatment per province and river basin district

Urban waste water treatment plants: number and capacity, influents, effluents and sewage sludge; results by province and river basin district


Income, consumption, wealth of households: key figures; National Accounts

Keyfigures on income, expenditure and net worth of households Source of income, living situation, househould compositon, age and income


Financial instruments: From-whom-to-whom matrices; National Accounts

Financial transactions between institutional sectors Sectors, balance sheets and transactions


Deaths; cause of death (extensive list), age and sex

Number of deaths in the population of the Netherlands by main underlying cause of death (extensive list of 'three digit codes'), by age and sex


Municipal waste; quantities

Amount of waste collected by the municipal authorities broken down by province, size class and degree of urbanisation


Renewable electricity; production and capacity

Production and capacity of renewable energy Hydro power, wind energy, solar energy, biomass


Renewable energy; consumption by energy source, technology and application

Renewable energy; final consumption energy sources/techniques, energy application


Patent applicants and applications; SIC 2008 and company size

Patent applicants and applications Country (UCI), SIC 2008 and company size


Producer Price Index (PPI); output and importprices by product, 2015=100

Price Index numbers (excluding excise) and month and year development Market and product according to product nomenclature ProdCom


Supplies natural gas, electricity, public grid; companies, SIC 2008, region

Supply of natural gas and electricity, public grid Companies, provinces, municipalities


Energy consumption private dwellings; type of dwelling and regions

Average consumption of gas and electricity, type of dwelling, district heating by region


Persons with dispensed medicines; age and sex

Persons to whom medicines were dispensed by medicine group (ATC), age and sex in absolute figures and as percentage of the total population


Vacancies; seasonally adjusted

Vacancies; seasonally adjusted by economic activities (SIC 2008), particuler firms and government


Extraction, import and export of materials by continent; national accounts

Material flow accounts, environmental accounts, biomass, minerals, metals biomassa, metalen, mineralen, materiaalstromen, grondstof, halffabrikaat


585 additional organic farms since 2015

Relative to 2021, the total area under organic farming in the Netherlands this year has increased by 3.6 percent to slightly over 80 thousand hectares. This is 59.0 percent more than in 2015.
