Bankruptcies discharge
What does the survey comprise?
Statistical description of the number of bankruptcies pronounced by courts in the Netherlands.
Target population
Concerns all legal units, namely: legal persons and natural persons. Legal entities include companies and institutions, in particular: private limited companies, public limited companies, foundations, associations, foreign legal entities. Individuals with and without sole proprietorship form part of the category of natural persons.
Statistical unit
Legal units legally declared bankrupt.
Start of research
January 1993
Publication strategy
The results are published monthly, approximately two weeks after the end of the reporting period. The results have a provisional character for two months before they are declared definitive. As a result of the information received, the provisional results will be adjusted if necessary. Generally, these adjustments to previously published, provisional figures only concern a few bankruptcies per month.
How is the survey conducted?
Type of research
Integral observation.
Observation method
Daily, electronic delivery by the Dutch courts.
The Dutch courts act as data suppliers. Any bankruptcy pronounced by a court in the Netherlands will be made public. An overview of the pronounced bankruptcies is made available electronically on a daily basis to Statistics Netherlands and other interested parties.
Sample size
N/A; concerns integral observation
Checking and correction methods
The court data are checked for completeness and where possible classified into business activities according to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).
N/A; No weighting variable is used when summing up the number of bankruptcies.
What is the quality of the outcomes
Data accuracy
The number of bankruptcies published is equal to the number of bankruptcies pronounced by the courts.
Sequential comparability
The number of bankruptcies pronounced in a given month is closely related to the number of session days of the Dutch courts in that month. As a result, the number can fluctuate considerably from month to month.
The series of outcomes corrected for this effect is included in a separate publication entitled "Bankruptcies pronounced; key figures, session day corrected ".
Quality strategy