Traffic and transport

Traffic and transport

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  1. Air passenger numbers reaching record high
  2. Over 200 times more passenger cars than in 1927
  3. Automatic travel mode prediction
  4. Half of transport GHG emissions are from aviation
  5. Less road haulage to and from the United Kingdom
  6. Lorry traffic becoming less polluting
  7. Passenger traffic at Dutch airports levelling off
  8. Passenger car mileage at record high in 2018
  9. More road and maritime transport in 2018
  10. Throughput in Dutch seaports at record level
  11. Number of all-electric cars has doubled
  12. More goods transported by Dutch lorries in 2018
  13. 80 percent of adults have a driving licence
  14. 10% more flights to and from the Caribbean Netherlands
  15. Nearly 80 million air passengers in 2018
  16. Over 600 billion kg of inbound goods in 2017