3/4 of young Bonairians not in education are in work

In 2016, most young people in the Caribbean Netherlands between the ages of 15 and 24 were enrolled in education. This share was highest on Saba: 72 percent. On Bonaire, one-third of this age group are no longer enrolled in education but are in work. They are often full-time workers, similar to the group aged 25 and over. The most common occupations are in sales. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports this on the basis of new figures.

The relatively high share of young people in education on Saba is explained by the presence of a medical university on the island. One-quarter of all 15 to 24-year-olds on Saba were born in either Canada or the United States; these are predominantly medical students. In 2016, there were around 2,110 young people between the ages of 15 and 24 living on Bonaire. On St Eustatius and Saba, there were 300 and 280 people in this age group respectively.

Labour market situation of young people (15-24 yrs), 2016
 In education (%)Not in education: working (%)Not in education: not working (%)
St Eustatius611326

One-quarter of Statia’s youth neither in education nor in work

St Eustatius has the largest share of young people who are neither in education nor in employment, namely 26 percent. These shares are 11 percent on Bonaire and 8 percent on Saba.
Of the 15 to 24-year-olds on Bonaire, 33 percent were not in education (anymore) but were in employment in 2016; the shares were 20 percent on Saba and 13 percent on St Eustatius. The number of young people on Saba and St Eustatius who are in employment and not in education is too low to make any further statements.

Employment rate among young Bonairians not in education: 76 percent

Of the group of young Bonairians who are not in education, over three-quarters are in employment. This employment rate is lower than among the group of 25 to 44-year-olds who are not in education (85 percent), but it is higher than the employment rate among 45 to 74-year-olds. In 2016, 65 percent of people aged 45 and over on Bonaire who were not in education were employed.

Net labour participation rates, people not in education on Bonaire, 2016
 Labour participation rate (%)
15-24 yrs76
25-44 yrs85
45-74 yrs65

Young Bonairian workers often have full-time jobs

Young Bonairians who are in work and not in education are more or less equally likely to work full-time as the older group in work and not in education. In 2016, 85 percent of the young group were employed for 35 hours a week or more. This share was 88 percent among 25 to 44-year-olds and 84 percent among 45 to 74-year-olds. Seven percent of the group of young people not in education were working part-time between 28 and 35 hours a week. A smaller share, 5 percent, worked less than 12 hours per week.

Working hours of young people (15-24 yrs) not in education on Bonaire, 2016
Less than 12 hours5
12 to 20 hours0
20 to 28 hours3
28 to 35 hours7
35 hours or more85

One-quarter of employed young Bonairians not in education have a commercial occupation, for example as a salesperson. Sales occupations are more common among young than among older workers. Another 18 percent of young people have a business or administrative occupation (e.g. administrative assistant, accounting assistant or secretary). Compared to older workers, young people are less likely to work in technical occupations such as construction worker.

Workers not in education on Bonaire, by occupational group, 2016
 15-24 yrs (%)25-44 yrs (%)45-74 yrs (%)
Commercial 2598
Business and administration181419
Transport and logistics1054
Health and welfare587
Public adm., security, justice4710
Creative and linguistic302
Other occupations213

CBS is developing a Youth Monitor for the Caribbean Netherlands, commissioned by the Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS). This monitor is related to the National Youth Monitor, an instrument also managed by CBS for VWS. This news release on labour participation among young people not in education is published as part of the Youth Monitor for the Caribbean Netherlands. The relating figures can be found in the StatLine Youth Monitor (Dutch only) under Caribbean Netherlands. This is the first table which has been compiled on the Caribbean Netherlands; more figures on young people in the Caribbean Netherlands will follow later, e.g. on enrolment in education and vaccinations.