Special needs primary schools

Special needs schools are defined as schools providing education under the act on centres of expertise. This legislation covers special needs education not covered by other legislation in the field. This article concerns only primary education in special needs schools, not secondary special needs education
Since 1 August 2003, special needs schools have been divided into four clusters:
- cluster 1 comprises schools for children with a visual disability or multiple disabilities including a visual disability 
- cluster 2 comprises schools for deaf children, children with impaired hearing and children with serious speech difficulties or multiple disabilities including one of these disabilities.
- cluster 3 comprises schools for children with physical disabilities, severe learning difficulties and children with a chronic disease and a physical disability, or with multiple disabilities including one of these disabilities.
- cluster 4 comprises schools for children with severe behavioural problems, children with a chronic disease who do not have a physical disability, and education in paedological institutions.