Life expectancy without physical limitations

To calculate life expectancy without physical limitations in hearing, sight and mobility, data were used about chronic limitations in hearing, sight or mobility. People who answered ‘yes, easily’ or ‘yes, with some effort’ are defined as having no physical limitations.

  • Can you follow a conversation between a group consisting of 3 or more persons (with or without a hearing aid)? 
  • Can you have a conversation with one other person (with or without a hearing aid)?  
  • Is your sight good enough to read the small print in the newspaper (with or without spectacles or contact lenses)?
  • Can you recognise somebody’s face at a distance of 4 metres (with or without spectacles or contact lenses)?
  • Can you carry an object of 5 kilos, e.g. a shopping bag, over a distance of 10 metres?
  • If you bend down from a standing position to pick up something from the floor?
  • Can you walk a distance of 400 meter without stopping (with or without a walking stick)?