Spending on Wajong

The Disability Insurance for Young Disabled Persons Act (Wet werk en arbeidsondersteuning jonggehandicapten or Wajong) is a legal provision for the financial consequences of long-term disablement for people who cannot claim a disablement benefit (WIA, formerly WAO) because they have no employment record. These are people who are incapacitated to work on the day they turn 17, or students who became disabled after the age of 17.

Since 1 January 2010, young people who are ill or disabled are firstly entitled to assistance in finding and keeping a job (job support). They may also be entitled to a income support, to supplement what they earn through work or their study grant. Young people suffering from full long-term disablement receive a benefit. 
When they reach the age of 27, or after seven years of job support, their remaining ‘definite’ earning capacity is established. The terms of the former Wajong legislation remain in force for young people who applied for a benefit before 1 January 2010.