Scrapping regulation

Scrapping regulation in the Netherlands from 29 May 2009-21 April 2010

The Dutch Ministry of Transport (VROM) made 65 million euro available for the National Scrapping Regulation. The car branch added another 20 million euro. So in total there was 85 million euro.
The Scrapping Regulation made it possible to buy a newer, cleaner car or van under certain conditions and receive a premium of between 750 and 1,750 euro for the old vehicle.

  • The old car had to be registered in the seller’s name before 1 March 2008. 
  • The car’s APK (motor vehicle test) had to be valid for at least another three months.
  • An old car running on petrol had to be of pre-1996 vintage, and a car running on diesel had to be of pre-2000 vintage. 
  • The new car running on petrol had to be built in 2001 or later.
  • The new car running on diesel had to have an original factory-made particle filter.

The Hague and Amsterdam introduced additional scrapping regulations to complement the national one.

Scrapping regulation in Germany from 1 January 2009-1 September 2009

Germany reserved 5 billion euro for its scrapping regulation. This regulation, nicknamed "Kohle für Klapperkisten" started early in 2009 and ended on 2 September 2009. The conditions for obtaining the 2,500 euro scrapping premium (Abwrackprämie) were:

  • The car had to be owned for over a year. 
  • The scrap car had to be at least nine years old.
  • In contrast with the Netherlands people had to buy a new car.

Scrapping regulation in Belgium: none

Belgium did not introduce a scrapping regulation. The Belgian government explained that there was no budget available for it.