Parental leave

For parents with children under the age of 8, it is possible to take parental leave provided they have worked for their employer for at least one year. In 2008, parents could take parental leave for each child with a maximum of thirteen times their weekly working hours. In 2009, the scheme has been extended to a maximum of 26 times the number of weekly working hours.

The entire period of parental leave must have been consumed prior the child’s eighth birthday. Maternity leave is not included in the parental leave scheme.
The amount of parental leave taken is calculated on the basis of the number of employees who have taken parental leave in the year preceding the year the survey was conducted. It may concern employees who have taken the entire period of parental leave they are entitled to as well as persons who are on parental leave at the moment the survey is conducted.
Employees entitled to parental leave work at least 12 hours a week and have one or more children under the age of 8 and are entitled to parental leave or are on parental leave at the moment the survey is conducted.