Existing built-up area 2000
Data on existing built-up area by the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Housing and the Environment is based upon the statistics on land use of the year 2000. The following types of land use are considered as primary existing area :
- residential areas
- retail trade and hotels and restaurants
- non-residential premises.
Other forms of land use (various types of urban facilities and infrastructure) are also included in the notion of existing built-up area provided the areas are entirely surrounded by primary built-up areas or the pavement rate exceeds 30 percent. Areas smaller than 25 ha entirely surrounded by built-up area are also defined as built-up area. The minimum size for built-up area is set at 5 ha.
The procedure used to define built-up area 2000 has been laid down in the publication Begrenzing bebouwd gebied 2000 (VROM).