Increase municipal levies less substantial after correction

In 2007, the increase in municipal levies is more modest than previously stated in the press release of 21 March 2007 published by Statistics Netherlands. Relative to 2006, the increase appears to be 4.3 percent rather than 6.6 percent, as adjusted figures, based on the municipal budgets show. The correction was required, because an error had occurred during the calculation of figures for municipalities involved in the redivision process.

Sewage charges still show largest increase

After recalculation, sewage charges still show the largest increase. Compared to last year, revenues from sewage charges rose by 9 percent to 1.1 billion euro. Revenues from property tax for homeowners grew by nearly 4 percent to reach 2.1 billion euro. Revenues from office fees and building permits increased by more than 9 and nearly 8 percent respectively.