Household consumption up again
Dutch households spent 2.0 percent more on goods and services in November 2006 than in November 2005. They spent 2.4 percent more on goods and 1.7 percent more on services. Figures published by Statistics Netherlands show that household consumption over the first eleven months of 2006 was markedly higher than in the same period one year previously.
Consumers spent more on clothes, furniture and electronics
Last November, household consumption on durable goods was 6.2 percent up on November 2005. Since mid-2005, household spending on consumer durables has risen sharply. In the first eleven months of 2006, consumers spent nearly 7 percent more on durable goods than one year previously. They bought more clothes, furniture and consumer electronics. Consumption of food, drinks and tobacco was 1.1 percent higher than one year ago.
Lower energy use curbs consumption growth
Households also spend money on energy, motor fuels, flowers and plants, newspapers and magazines, cosmetics and cleaning products. Spending on this group of other products was 1.3 percent lower than one year ago. This is caused by November’s mild weather conditions which kept down energy consumption.
PDF contains complete press release, including tables and graphics.