More adults attend post-initial education

The number of people attending courses and trainings in addition to regular education is increasing. The participation rate of these so-called post-initial forms of education rose from 12 percent in 1995 to 15 percent in 2003.

Participation rate post-initial education, 1995-2003

Participation rate post-initial education, 1995-2003

Women have caught up

In 2003 the participation rate among women was almost equal to that of men, thus closing the gap which still existed in 1995. In the age category 20-29 one in five persons attended some form of post-initial education. The participation rate steadily declines as people grow older. In the age bracket 60-64 only 5 percent attended post-initial courses.

Participation rate post-initial education by age, 2003

Participation rate post-initial education by age, 2003

Post-initial courses briefer and less demanding

The length of the courses and the number of lessons vary considerably. Courses in post-initial education are usually briefer and less demanding than in initial education.

More than half take up less than one year and half of longer courses cover less than six hours a week. One quarter are economy, administrative or commercial courses, one fifth deal with languages and subjects like history, philosophy and literature.

Post-initial education mostly work-related

In 84 percent of cases participants in post-initial training indicate that they want to improve their position on the labour market, i.e. “keeping their knowledge up to date” and “finding a new job”. In 38 percent of cases employers granted study leave facilities.

Courses more often employer-financed

In 2003 about 49 percent of participants in post-initial education did not pay course fees; 9 percent paid only part of the fees. Financial contributions – usually made by the employer – increased moderately from 45 percent in 2000 to 49 percent in 2003.

Post-initial education by source of finance

Post-initial education by source of finance

Not all employees were financially compensated. Employees in small enterprises were less frequently compensated than those employed in large companies. In the sectors trade and hotels and restaurants most employees (54 percent) did not receive any financial compensation.

Max van Herpen